The online racing simulator
New Version 0.6G
(126 posts, started )
You probably use custom textures.

Solution; don't use them or give them proper dimensions.
#77 - CZE
I think i have it form some Hi-Res DDS pack what i download on this forum.What you mean by Proper Dimension?
(my image size AC_uni_sing is 500x256)
Quote from CZE :I think i have it form some Hi-Res DDS pack what i download on this forum.What you mean by Proper Dimension?
(my image size AC_uni_sing is 500x256)

This sign is used in AU1 AutoX in front of one of the large buildings.

The original sign (University of Kent) is 256x256 then extended in game to fit a space 512x256.

If you had the same sign as me (hospital sign), then it is mis-sized 512x256.

I've included both the original and the custom texture signs with correct dimensions - see attached.

To use, just unzip and add the texture you want to use into your LFS/Data/DDS folder
Attached files - 8.4 KB - 473 views - 17.9 KB - 416 views
#79 - CZE
Hey.THX for Info...but i try resize it to 512x256 but still have same problem...only 512x512 is working or original.
Don't resize - leave the game to change the sign's square dimensions to fit the rectangular space.
Quote from :You probably use custom textures.

Solution; don't use them or give them proper dimensions.

Quote from CZE :Hey.THX for Info...but i try resize it to 512x256 but still have same problem...only 512x512 is working or original.

Erm...that's right, you can't do whatever the hell you want. You must do what the game asks for.
#82 - CZE
@ Whiskey
I think you didnt read what i wrote before.I donwload this texture with one HI-RES pack on this forum...some years ago..And it was always fine to 6G.
The game changed the way it handles textures, that's true. My statement is still true, the game now asks for square textures.
I dunno why the hell LFS doesn't support non-square textures anymore... Many old custom textures can't be used now.
Because Scawen decided that his simulator performs better if it functions with strictly square sized textures.
I thought it means that it must be a squared number, e.g. 1024, 2048, 4096.

I've had that problem already with a texture (a dashboard/interior for RB4) which was 2000x2000. Simply resize it to 2048 and bingo, it works.
Quote from Flame CZE :
Quote from Tomislav531 :This patch again contains shadow problem like in version 0.6F

What shadow problems does it have exactly?

Car shadows in mutliplayer. It lags too much when other cars come on the screen.
Skins 512 to 1024 and Hires-Skins 1024 to 2048! Please!
Hires to 4096 actually
I think this is on the to-do list already.
Quote from Flame CZE :I think this is on the to-do list already.

Link? :P Real? really!?!... cant wait great new patch/s3
No link really, I just remember we discussed this with Victor the other day.
Me too.

So, I decided to uninstall the old (0.6F?) LFS completely and download it again with the new update, so I could do a fresh start. The problem is, when I try to start the game, it just opens a small window where it says: DirectX End-User Runtime must be installed.

What does that mean? And what is the thing I have to download?

Could someone explain me what it is? This isn't my own computer so I wouldn't like to install any random software on it. :S

What windows version?
Newer windows should come with directX already installed.
You can also press windows-key+R to open the "Run"-menu-thing and type:
Then it shows in "system informations" which directx version is installed.
Quote from Gutholz :What windows version?
Newer windows should come with directX already installed.
You can also press windows-key+R to open the "Run"-menu-thing and type:
Then it shows in "system informations" which directx version is installed.

DirectX version: DirectX 11

So, does this mean I have to download the thing from Microsoft site?
( DELETED by Scawen : insulting remark
It is my understanding that Microsoft has deliberately left out this absolutely tiny thing that allows older games to run. The purpose of this self-sabotage is to annoy developers, to "encourage" them to move onto DirectX 10 or later, so they make games which will not work on other operating systems.

However, they could not get away with breaking backward compatibility completely, so they do provide the download to fix their own sabotage.

We have a special LFS web page pointing to that download. That window that popped up, should have given you a link to install the runtime. But here it is anyway: which links to the MS site.

It is a Microsoft install so it is really safe, it's just correcting what they deliberately broke.
(HenkkaWRC) DELETED by HenkkaWRC

New Version 0.6G
(126 posts, started )