Nice work Scawen & Eric, it looks promisingggg. But why it takes so long .... 21st June 2014 was first information - "We expect to release this version for testing in a few weeks " and FOUR, FIVE months later

we are shuffle around.
I see a lot of the work on new patches, but I think it is my opinion, your "first" dont know "priority" work Oculus Rift support was step outside it did not help LFS community.... Sorry.
This time could be focused for improvements modern interier and exterier cars. I do not know if it's true but it is easier create now model as create Oculus Rift ?
New GTR and demo cars + update 1-2 tracks certainly most pozitiv mood.
I admire your work as 2 people can keep this game hats down 100 point.
On internet I found lots of pictures nice "mod" cars as someone create and this would attract simracers / endurance - spritn race /
Already created LFS new cars, this is new LFS -
Sry for bad English.