Coping objects from track A to track B.
For example one wants to copy (parts) of a layout from Blackwood Carpark (BL3) to South City (SO1)
Renaming the layout files.
In example works like this:
Coping objects from track A to track B.
For example one wants to copy (parts) of a layout from Blackwood Carpark (BL3) to South City (SO1)
Renaming the layout files.
In example works like this:
- Rename your source layout to the track that you want to use:
For example BL3_copySource.lyt -> SO1_temp.lyt
- Load the temp layout in LFS editor.
The objects will be there but they will be in strange locations: stuck in buildings or floating in air.
(To see out where the objects ended up zoom out and enable edit-mode. With the selection-circles the objects are easy to find)
- Select the objects you want to copy
(ctrl + click)
- Load the layout into which you want to insert the objects. (Use the "Load Layout" button from editor menu - do not go to track selection)
- When the new layout is loaded, the previously selected objects are still attached to the mouse pointer.
- Place the objects.
- Save layout.
- Repeat as nessecary...