Nothing to get too excited over, just a bit of fun from a hobby of mine. Hope you get some enjoyment out of them. I'm only using fraps and windows movie maker, but should be migrating to something a little more professional soon.
Crazy Kids: pretty self explanatory, just a bunch of us guys going nuts over the blackwood jump
LFS Short Movie: Crap name, i know. But what else could i call it?
A 20 second clip that i would've liked to have had in the Crazy Kids vid, but i'll save it for Volume 2
Completely unorganised and just lucky i happened to be eating/speccing at the time
Not so much a movie, more just an unedited grab of LFStweak online. I will be make a full LFStweak movie in the coming weeks, should be good, hopefully!
Crazy Kids: pretty self explanatory, just a bunch of us guys going nuts over the blackwood jump
LFS Short Movie: Crap name, i know. But what else could i call it?
A 20 second clip that i would've liked to have had in the Crazy Kids vid, but i'll save it for Volume 2
Not so much a movie, more just an unedited grab of LFStweak online. I will be make a full LFStweak movie in the coming weeks, should be good, hopefully!
