FOX Jr Season 4 Schedule + Setups
Round - Track - Length of both races - Date
Round 1.) WE1 - 12 laps - June 27, 2015
Round 2.) BL1R chicane - 15 laps - July 18, 2015
Round 3.) FE3R - 14 laps - August 8, 2015

Round 4.) AS3Y_AS25.Chicane - 10 laps - August 15, 2015
Round 5.) SO6 - 18 laps - August 29, 2015
Qualifying will start at 16:30 UTC and last 10 minutes. if 2 sessions are needed they will be 10 minutes each.
Race Start @ 17 UTC or 10 minutes after qualification, whichever is sooner. Race 2 starts 10 minutes after completion of race 1
all events +1 lap when warmup lap in effect.
all events have 2 races same length.
Thanks to deko for allowing me to modify the BL1r lyt.
Attached files
FOX_BL1r FJ Chicane.set - 132 B - 1249 views
FOX_FE3 JR.set - 132 B - 1178 views
FOX_SO6 JR.set - 132 B - 999 views
FOX_WE1 FJ.set - 132 B - 1192 views
FOX_AS25.c FJ.set - 132 B - 1044 views
AS3Y_AS25cFoxjr.lyt - 2.6 KB - 418 views
BL1R_FJChicane.lyt - 1.6 KB - 419 views
updated round 1 date because I somehow put it on a Friday (and thus overlooked the 10h race)
added aston course
Bl1R course, asked deko if I could use his lyt. Otherwise ill prepare my own.
Setups: current batch. they are last seasons, I am considering using the Blackwood setup at westhill and for aston I have to do further testing. if anyone comes up with a modified setup they think might work for aston please post it and I will try it.
(vitaly_m) DELETED by Mustangman759 : deleted to avoid confusion
Setups posted and layouts for tracks that need them. AS25.C chicane updated to remove curbs.
Also a reminder. You have the ability to change tires to any compound and pressure you want among other stuff. The setups may be setup with too soft of a compound/pressure to run in race, so please be prepared to adjust the tires to your liking.
Due to a conflict for round 3 i have bumped round 3 and 4 back to round 4 and 5 dates. I will announce a new round 5 date soon
p.s. server has revised version of lyt for round 2 now loaded. wall added to avoid shortcuts and debris.
Attached files
BL1R_FJChicaneWall.lyt - 1.7 KB - 383 views
New layout for round 3. I hope this adds a good passing spot
Attached files
FE3R_FJ.lyt - 452 B - 390 views
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