The online racing simulator
Torsdagsrace is put on hold
As you might have figured out since there is no post of a new race yet TR is taking a break.

I feel I do not have the time or motivation to keep running the series at the moment so I will put it all on hold for now.

A big thanks to racers who kept showing up and making the Thursday racing happening.

Final nail in the coffin. Thanks for your efforts. Smile
Indeed, thanks mange.

That means I have a VPS available for a serious league/event to use.

It's located in Stockholm, Sweden.

Send me a PM with some info about your league/event if you are interested. It runs on Linux so it's unlikely I'll ever run .net applications locally, but it has "our own" insim application attached to it -- lurLFSd, if anyone remembers talk about that years ago. It has some neat features. Smile

The server(s) may be used free of charge but we'll have to leave some sponsor messages in the welcome screen/whatever. No big deal.

The server(s) will remain online but if never attended TR or just want to ping the host its /

It was nice to race with you once in a while. Thank you for all your work over the years you've put in the events. Hopefully it's not the end though. Smile
Always had good races there Nod

In break maybe use server for Rallye races? It is quite rare style I think.
There is always Demo servers with Blackwood and when there is a league it always outside EU time (like LFS Chile)
You guys had a good runThumbs up Had good races there in the past.
#7 - Imphy
Torsdagsrace 10 Year Anniversary - Season 1 Video
Hi guys! I miss the old days =) Here is a video from Season 1 of Torsdagsrace Happy 10 year anniversary!

[NRG] Imphy
Holy moly that was awesome, Imphy. Thanks for sharing.
#9 - Imphy
You're welcome! 3 kids later I was just checking if I could rejoin TR =)
Hallo hallo!!!

ingen svensk racing?
Hej Rolle, jag håller koll på om TR kommer igång en vacker dag - förstår att det varit svårt att hålla i liv om intresset svalnat men nu börjar mina barn bli lite större så jag hinner med igen... tror jag =)

har hållit på med den gamla rejsingdatorn hela dagen, och
surfade bara runt och kollar läget, har knappt kört en meter på flera år, men stolen har stått och samlat damm under trappan....

har nog glömt det mesta, förutom att man mest var i vägen Wink

har dock fixat S3 nu

Som Stefan sa är det, tyvärr, ganska låg aktivitet bland det "gamla gänget". Däremot har jag sett att VGP (ni kanske minns dem som anordnade en TV-sänd tävling med nån annan racing-sim för massa år sen) har viss aktivitet i LFS.

Kika här:

Däremot finns våra servrar (med tillhörande mjukvara) kvar och är redo att användas om någon vill dra igång nåt.

Själv har jag *precis* bytt jobb och vågar inte vara drivande utöver att hjälpa till med just servrar, förstås!
Konstig språk... Big grin
Heh, yeah. Google translate should at least give you the gist of it (I checked!) but for those who can't be bothered we're (obviously?) discussing the possibility of bringing back TR chances of TR being brought back, and if there are any alternatives for those who prefer communicating in Swedish.

I guess it's kind of a chicken or the egg situation here where no one is racing because there's no organization and no one is organizing because there are no racers.

Then again, the TR staff *REALLY* put a lot of effort into keeping the events alive, even though there were very few racers showing up, so I can't really blame them for not rushing this.
I just remembered the times I visited TR,where swedes were talking in their language,so I searched back then in google translation for "weird language",which at the end was something like greeting when visiting TR... Big grin
Well,there are so few events,that my semi weekly event RTFR even profits from the lack - it's better attended than ever before,seems like people are somewhat hungry for organized racing. Shrug Then again - there aren't too much racers,as RTFR is visited by mainly [semi]regulars (54 different racers during last 10 events/20 weeks),so not sure how it will turn out. Also many organizers wants full grids right away,not getting them,giving up and spreading the depressive message "LFS is dead"...
Would be cool if it come back. I have been away in ages from driving, just been in touch with the game to see how things going and if there are any news. Recently done some hotlapping and also been online a couple of times and its stil a damn fun game! FEL check your LFSW. Wink

EDIT: Nice video Steff! I remember that one and Im sure I also have it saved on a hdd somewhere. But I didnt remember I was the first winner of TR though. Na-na Pretty cool now when its been going on so long...

Ive saved a lot of LFS videos during the beginning so if someone is searching for a video, just ask me, I might have it. Smile
Gah, who uses LFSW for messaging? That feature should really be merged with the forum messaging system, methinks. But I've left you a reply.

Anyway, LFS is awesome. Although i don't play much I check the forums (well, the RSS feed) weekly. I have yet to try LFS in my Vive VR headset -- Perhaps I'll give it a go during the summer! Smile