The online racing simulator
Thrustmaster RGT FFB Clutch Wheel potentiometer
Hello community,

I have a Thrustmaster RGT FFB (Clutch Edition) but unfortunately the potentiometer of the wheel axle is broken.

As I could get to know from another thread in this forum the poti should have 10k ohm resistance and linear. After some minutes of searching I found this one:

which is exactly the same as the one that sits in the wheel.

Strangely this poti doesn't work with the wheel. When I turned the wheel, the position of the wheel in the driver software didn't change smoothly and when I reached the end the poti blew out. I tried with a second one but same result.

My questions now:

What's the required power compatibility for the poti in the wheel?

And to be sure, whats the order of the three cable (blue,brown,green) connected to the poti (picture or discription would be fine)?

Thanks for every answer!