After successfully beating NDR's 2013 Kyoto 250 for longest withheld results,here are the 'This is Crashmaaas !!! 2015' results! Memories and emotions have faded during these few

months,but the glory of the winner remains,as he goes into history books as the 5th TiC winner - M.Kapal joins the list of the most dangerous and brutal racers of LFS! Withheld results wasn't the only record of this event - a total of 41 drivers took part last year,beating the attendance of 29 drivers seen 2013.
The last event proved once again - fast is not just an option here,the 2nd fastest driver of qualifying finished 2nd in his quarterfinal and semifinal runs,avoiding any relegation runs on his way to final. Allthough being the fastest marks you as threat to everyone willing high positions - qualifying winner A.Laipnieks was kicked out of track already in lap 1 of his QF run and missed out the chance to advance from relegation run to semifinal by 5 seconds. 2nd in the final standings is event newcomer Late,but 3rd for 2nd year in row - M.Zandmanis,keeping the tradition of having at least one latvian on podium alive. Interestingly between faster drivers there were also 3 outside-top20 qualifyers in the final. Last year's fastest race laptime was shared by 2 drivers - both M.Zandmanis and Falcon set 20.33 in their semifinal runs.
The very messy bonus run,lasting over 10 minutes,was won by Late,who lapped everyone at least once. Only 8 drivers were still running at the finish,while most of 29 starters were either outside of the track or rolled inside it,but also in one case - out of fuel.
Just 1.5 months left until next Crashmas event - as usually the X-mas derby will take place in 26th december,which this year is a monday. It will be as good as all the racers make it - I'll be providing the server,split drivers into runs according to the same system,you have to do the rest to get the annual crashing fun! See you on the track! Or outside of it...