I never thought I'd live to see this day! It's a shame even S2 is expensive as all hell in my country, let alone S3. From the screenshots alone I can tell you guys worked hard on this. What a christmas present!
Downloaded and installed the update last night. Unplayable stuttery mess
13 year old system finally met its match. Turned everything off or to minimum. Sky, rubber, everything and at best I got 20fps sat in the garage.

Got work to do over Christmas to try and squeeze some more MHz out of its old bones or I'll be having an enforced LFS sebatical
Try reducing the number of dynamic reflections in graphics, and turning off post-processing shaders in miscallaneous if you haven't already. And of course, if you are able to use a lower resolution..
I got Pentium 4 3.00GHz, 2Gb RAM, 256Mb GPU and I can still run the game fine (on MP as well). With no FPS limiter I can squeeze out about 120 FPS on the new track.
Wow. That's interesting. My system is 2.0ghz pentium 4. 2gb ram and 256mb graphics card. I've looked into a faster processor but my mother board only supports 400mhz bus speed.
MousemanLV: How? I have AMD dualcore, 4gbram, 512ram gpu and i get between 30-60 fps. Should i blame the AMD?
AMD Athlon 64 x2 4200+, 5GB of ram, 2gb AMD Asus Radeon HD 6670. i get 40-60 fps
Quote from SmokeyBanjo :Downloaded and installed the update last night. Unplayable stuttery mess
13 year old system finally met its match...

Xbox360 and PS3 already met their destiny 10 years after release. With latest games running around 25-20 FPS. Computers are aging too and it is almost 2016. You can get a desktop computer worth less than 300€ that can be almost equal to next gen consoles.... sure, you have to assemble the parts yourself and choose them wisely(and no SSD drive) but it is definitely worth it. Stop being stuck in previous century.
Quote from Bigbob1993 :

This ! I think we could say that to at least 40% of the community. When a 300€ prebuilt machine is more powerful than your computer, it time to seriously think of upgrading. Big grin

EDIT: Here is a part list for a computer that matches current-gen consoles (PS4 / Xbox One), for the same price range:

Quote :PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i3-4130 3.4GHz Dual-Core Processor ($109.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-H81M-HD2 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($39.99 @ Micro Center)
Memory: Kingston 4GB (1 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($17.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($45.88 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: PNY GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB Enthusiast Edition Video Card ($98.98 @ Newegg)
Case: Fractal Design Core 1300 MicroATX Mini Tower Case ($49.99 @ Directron)
Power Supply: Corsair Builder 430W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($19.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $382.81
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-12-23 06:47 EST-0500

Yes yes yes. I know it's an old system and 300£€$ would build a decent system but I don't have 300£€$ right now. As you can see from my join date I'm new to LFS and sim racing. I do plan to build a new system at some point but I don't want to spend any money on a temporary solution if I can help it. This pentium 4 was rescued from the attic and for £20 of eBay parts ran LFS fine.

I'd love to run at 60fps with all the shaders and details on. But I just needed something cheap to get me started to see if I'd even like sim racing
Quote from SmokeyBanjo :Downloaded and installed the update last night. Unplayable stuttery mess
13 year old system finally met its match.

Quote from NotAnIllusion :Try reducing the number of dynamic reflections in graphics

Yes, the dynamic reflections are the heaviest thing on an older computer.

Set the number of them to zero, it still looks ok, you just don't see nearby objects reflected in the cars and they don't look so nice in a tunnel.
Set to zero the car is covered in rainbows but at a lower resolution it is just about playable. 25-30fps.

Tried some overclock software but no joy. That will have to do for now and will try to persuade the wife that a new machine is needed. Thanks for your help everyone
Hello, I have a problem with Rockingham. On our event server I tried to

set a RO track to test out the 11 versions and see how they feel.

But when I try to set the track to RO LFS tells me that I have to be in

S3 mode to use it. My LFS is S3, had a look on entry screen.The server

is same as all our other servers, K version. Any help out there?

Thanks in advance, PVL.
It should work fine with zero dynamic reflections! There shouldn't be any rainbows. Smile

Did you try half texture resolution? As your graphics card's memory is small that would help a lot.
Quote from P V L :But when I try to set the track to RO LFS tells me that I have to be in S3 mode to use it. My LFS is S3, had a look on entry screen.

Maybe your server was started with /mode=s3
The server is still on S2. Guess thats it. Just needs to be set to S3.

Thought its automatic possible to use cause RO is available to choose.
I have a Quad Core 2.70 XEON, 6GB Ram, and a Radeon R7 250 LP. I always get 100fps. Just asking, how do you turn off the fps limiter?
Quote from TheNoobisonFire :I have a Quad Core 2.70 XEON, 6GB Ram, and a Radeon R7 250 LP. I always get 100fps. Just asking, how do you turn off the fps limiter?

You can do this by going onto options, then "Misc", then selecting "No" for "Limit in-game frame rate".
I remember someone reporting in test patch that he couldn't add more than 20 AIs or so, today I had this same problem.
Eventually after searching for a problem it turned out to be in my AI list. I had several AIs with same name and some without name at all. I believe it would be good if LFS checked the names when you rename AIs and/or warn you about the issue when placing AIs on the grid.
This oval is even `better` for hotlapping...
Attached images
Quote from Scawen :Can you give a detailed description of what happens?

For example, when it it that you get a black screen? Is the entry screen visible when you first start LFS? Is there any difference when you load Blackwood or another track? Does the whole screen go black or is the interface text still visible?

Also I forgot to ask, what graphics card do you have? I'm wondering if it could be related to the new shaders, that will not work on graphics cards, more than around 10 years old.

no matter what track do i use, result is the same. Even when i try to do the test run in games, i get black screen. If i tap esc on keyboard, i got to menu screen... Problems came when i try to load the track, or to load a car... I can enter to choose a track/car, after that can't do nothing.

my video card is a GeForce 8500Gt. Not a new one, but at least not 10 years old one ))

i've made a video to see the problem.

Quote from DANIEL-CRO :I remember someone reporting in test patch that he couldn't add more than 20 AIs or so, today I had this same problem.
Eventually after searching for a problem it turned out to be in my AI list. I had several AIs with same name and some without name at all. I believe it would be good if LFS checked the names when you rename AIs and/or warn you about the issue when placing AIs on the grid.

With me was the problem, I left the versions to then see what could have been a reason. I checked your suggestions and actually AI 21 had the name "AI21" and AI 1 also had the name "AI21". After changing the names so as not to duplicate prolem they are gone.

The problem occurs as someone has called such.

AI1 "AI21"
AI20 "AI41"

game after the update adds 4 new players

AI21 "A21"
AI24 "AI24"

and then to duplicate (AI and AI21 name "AI21") the names and the problem is.
This is what dynamic reflections set to zero looks like. Currently running at 800x600 16bit
Attached images
800x600 .. Wauw..

I ran wacky wheels in that resolution 20 years ago Big grin

Sorry.. I just couldn't resist saying this. .. But get some balls!
The general rule is, if your machine can't even run LFS, you're running a machine from the stone age and you need an upgrade. LFS' legacy support is good but it seems there's now a lower limit Tongue
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New Version 0.6K - Rockingham
(558 posts, closed, started )