Qualifying will run from today, 27 Feb 2016 16:30UTC until Sun, 6 Mar 2016 16:30UTC. Drivers can drive as many laps as they wish to. A team needs at least one timed lap to be allowed to start the race. E.g. it is enough that one driver of the team sets a lap. If more then one driver of a team sets a lap time, the faster time will be taken for the starting line-up. The end of the qualifying also marks the deadline for changes to the team's line-up, class or car.
The qualifying password will be published here, so teams, that sign-up can directly do qualifying, even when noone's sending them a password. Please always drive with your correct name format on the server, so it is easier to do the qualifying results.

server: Open Endurance Cup
password: RIoScSkC
password: RIoScSkC
Race starts at 17:00UTC, with the gridding at 16:50UTC. The new password will be posted shortly after the end of the qualifying session. Please point out any mistakes in the class/car choice thread, because the starting-line up is set by those information.
The race commences with a lap behind a pace car. The field stays single-file throughout the lap. When the pace car enters pitlane, the leader controls the pace. The race itself is then started by a "Green Flag" signal. EDIT: Once it is shown, overtaking is allowed.
Be cautious on the first racing lap! Rockingham's first hairpin has a reputation to end one's ambitions early, you are not alone on the track! This even more counts for traffic, as it is the lapping car's responsibility to overtake at a safe spot (e.g. NOT in the triple left hander from Pif Paf to Graceland or in the middle of the final Brook chicane [see trackmap]). It moreover won't be a race of plenty of overtaking spots, so be patient.
When you are changing drivers the entering driver shall enter the server when the exiting driver is on his inlap. After the change the exiting driver shall leave the server as soon as possible.
In case you end up stranded in the gravel or you damage your car so badly you cannot return to pitlane on track, you may rejoin the race from the pits/spectators. However any rejoin will be charged with 1 lap!
LFS Remote: Open Endurance Cup