First of all, some of you have have heard about us before, we were those little "shenanigans" on LFS as someone called us ( not gonna say a name, though it will be found out by search, hehe...). We still are tho...
A bit historical info: MTDZX- is started and found by me ( UnknownMaster21 ) in 25.09.2006, due the reason no one did really wanted me to join any team. It is unknown why though, perhaps the nickname, but that is beside of this story. Anyway, I created my own. It started to be as versatile team, or as we did say, "all-around". We were and still we are not fast team, but it was clear we wanted to be a top-notch at least something in LFS. Well, it did go even better, there is no doubt of it, not in those days when those videos did get a first release.
We did call ourselves as World Best LFS-Stunt team, but we took that title away off from us, as it has no point at all. Simply there was no challenger team and that made no value to use it anymore. As growing up more mature, we still do not see the point. Heh, kids... But at least we were right on it.
Years has passed and many things has improved slowly but steadily, but have lacked progress, due the personal or non-personal problems. As over 9 years later, it has changed a lot, but still remained on LFS, more or less. People do change, behavior do change and other factors as well do change, though not all.
Anyway, who knows our achievements? no one? It is no problem, as we did not really achieve anything on LFS, not in sim racing by doing an actual racing. Although we had some very fast racers and had some small fishes, it was always ruined by reason or two, mainly because naive factors, and other stuff. If you know me, you know what I mean, behavior was absolutely inappropriate, immature, and not prepared to make an actual balance. People do remember me on LFS-side as well as in here, in forums, you can even see some story on these videos. Okay, let's go to back on topic.
As you have might found out, our last XA video did release 30.03.2013, nearly 3 years since. You might have heard some rumors as I did show up about what is coming next, I can tell you, nothing is upcoming now awhile, but... cannot either disagree
It is time to vote and show up my team's history, with these videos. Vote a one which is in your opinion the best one, the link:
X-treme Alert 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swqku2O98k4
This is the time, when MTDZX was not called MTDZX. Actually, it was called MTD, which in that time, it did change MTD-X, and then again, it did change MTDZX. ( now with "-" on as well )
This is not the first video ever of this era, by having stuff like this, but the first video which is called X-treme Alert. As you can see, nothing much, you can call this very dark age.
Also, this was first and only video which used tweak. As reminder, no mods or any other tricks are used in these videos.
Music is Cubanate - Autonomy
X-treme Alert 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrU6eWCdTo0
This is the time, what most people says this is the first real video of this serie. And I admit it, it kinda is that one. Team is called MTDZX and it did actually have some stuff which you would call a "stunt".
Music is Darren Styles - Dropzone ( Bonkers Mix )
X-treme Alert 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFFtLqX29wc
It was getting better since last time. Stuff was more planned and had some first epic moves.
Still, it was on dark age.
Original music is: Bomfunk MC's - Freestyler ( it got changed due the it was not shown in Germany. )
No idea what music is nowdays, will inform here perhaps once I get more data from my hard disc.
X-treme Alert 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JkLjYLrKPM
This is the last video of dark age. Not much known of this, but once I get an access to my hard disc, I can tell more. ( If it is not told in any comments, or anywhere else )
Notice, it was possible on 0.5V version to make Formula V8 on 2 wheels without a ramp, unless suspension update were released.
Texture on lights are changed as well. ( .dds file )
X-treme Alert 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ym0H44uXJQ
Okay, this is in my opinion the first REAL X-treme Alert video released on youtube. It uses so-called "Stunt Counter", which was original idea to ease people to understand what is what, though it was pretty basical. All 1-5 XA videos are done editing with Windows Movie Maker, while others were used MAGIX, more or less, though.
Call this age as primal age.
Music is Cubanate - Oxyacetylene
X-treme Alert 6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVqZblc2zss
This is the first video of having new software to edit, and also first video to include non-finnish people. It was also a sign to get more and more fame and also to become european team, which still in these days, it lies on this.
This is middle age, all to XA10.
Music is told on at the end on video.
X-treme Alert 7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cljcdiz4EN4
Now this video was planned to be a sequel to X-treme Alert 6. As you can see, how in heck this can be a sequel? Yes, it does not show much on video, but it was clear in us: Me and Haxxor were the "primary" stars, though it was always me, but I always wanted to step out of it. Due the reason or other, I was always in on those videos and because, it was so much fun to do it. To be as creative as possible.
It was also a first video to try something new on video effects.
it was clear we were not good on actual drift, but on actual stunts.
X-treme Alert 8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wmJ9aHwMGA
This video has no music because same reason as on XA3, Germany and youtube.
This included so-called legendary Threading The Needle stunt, though it was reversed one. You can see it what I mean. It was also a "farewell" to Haxxor by having problems inside a team. ( wow, who else knew that? )
X-treme Alert 9: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIWgaDpI9QU
Same problem as on XA8.
Nothing much to tell, it was getting too much repeat, only presenting new guys on there. Notice how we have always used nicknames, even no one did really know who is who and where, or even what!
The most original music was planned to be Overseer - Basstrap, which is theme of game called Stuntman on PlayStation 2.
X-treme Alert 10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nIzz98jHDo
it was planned to be last XA video ever, to stop this madness, which it did... fail. You can notice on music and kind of visuality.
It was an attempt to show basically about what kind of team we are, or were. Well, it was still repeating on last ones, but on deep-side, it was very different. Passion was strong on those days.
This included a nice drift with two FZR's with two almost identical attempts included together, but editing did fail, so it only shows half and half.
Also, texts did bug as always and english was not checked to be correct, due it simply forgot.
X-treme Alert 11: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H85lSwuCwt0
First of all, check on release day!
Welcome to past-modern age!
This time, once again it did include some same stuff, but many, many many many new things as well!
It did also include still a unique stunt made in LFS: Quad V-Transfer.
It is also said by some people before it still is most beautiful XA done, on it's own way!
X-treme Alert 12: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVqGS41IjpM
Very similar to XA11, well, it was tried to be a sequel to XA11. And result is same. Although quality is different. It did include Madness is Art - clips. And also first time 5-Men Backflip with XF GTR.
X-treme Alert 13: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SapyoYqUPL0
Ok, this was very, very very deep and actually somewhat "sad" but also pretty naive video. It was done by using method that we are not going to eat all that disrespect of what happened on LFS. Due the personal and non-personal problems, the team was cracking up badly. It did find out how everyone even in that time, were pretty immature. That includes my teammates, and specially me, but specially "you" (change your name on there, if you feel I am right ). But as said, people change and time changes, it was enormous problems in that time in all sides, but after all, we have grown up and no one, I mean no one should ever have problems mentally by doing stuff like it did happen. But it came up as all as experience and case is closed.
It was also more on racing and new stunts as well.
X-treme Alert 14: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RE1j4aVNkqg
This video did born on very different mood. It was purely on fun and atmosphere were very healthy! Too bad it died once again because my PC broke down completely, and as my personal problems were going ultimately high, I had to stop it and focused to save myself. However, the team did never went on "die"-mode because I knew I could not stop it.
This is latest XA video, released 30.03.2013
So... here is our collection of it. Yes, our primary thing was clearly on stunts. You can still notice some funny errors and other stuff which is not mentioned on here.
And now?
We are continuing it, but it was clear it won't progress as brutal force, but stopping completely either will be out of an question, so we are just "there", more or less inactive, but who knows, as said, times and people do change ( not the most deepest side however )
Vote your favourite XA video and tell why ( optional, of course ), or, if no one of those did satisfaction you, tell why ( optional as well ).
Anyway, it has been pleasure in LFS and yet it still is a pleasure. Many thanks to you and see you in LFS, mainly on MTDZX- Flat Out! server! ( as I am there )
even more info: www.facebook.com/mtdzx
EDIT: Yes, you can vote up to 2, because originally I think the there is not only one which is my favourite/best, so you can vote 2, I voted 11 and 2.
First of all, some of you have have heard about us before, we were those little "shenanigans" on LFS as someone called us ( not gonna say a name, though it will be found out by search, hehe...). We still are tho...
A bit historical info: MTDZX- is started and found by me ( UnknownMaster21 ) in 25.09.2006, due the reason no one did really wanted me to join any team. It is unknown why though, perhaps the nickname, but that is beside of this story. Anyway, I created my own. It started to be as versatile team, or as we did say, "all-around". We were and still we are not fast team, but it was clear we wanted to be a top-notch at least something in LFS. Well, it did go even better, there is no doubt of it, not in those days when those videos did get a first release.
We did call ourselves as World Best LFS-Stunt team, but we took that title away off from us, as it has no point at all. Simply there was no challenger team and that made no value to use it anymore. As growing up more mature, we still do not see the point. Heh, kids... But at least we were right on it.
Years has passed and many things has improved slowly but steadily, but have lacked progress, due the personal or non-personal problems. As over 9 years later, it has changed a lot, but still remained on LFS, more or less. People do change, behavior do change and other factors as well do change, though not all.
Anyway, who knows our achievements? no one? It is no problem, as we did not really achieve anything on LFS, not in sim racing by doing an actual racing. Although we had some very fast racers and had some small fishes, it was always ruined by reason or two, mainly because naive factors, and other stuff. If you know me, you know what I mean, behavior was absolutely inappropriate, immature, and not prepared to make an actual balance. People do remember me on LFS-side as well as in here, in forums, you can even see some story on these videos. Okay, let's go to back on topic.
As you have might found out, our last XA video did release 30.03.2013, nearly 3 years since. You might have heard some rumors as I did show up about what is coming next, I can tell you, nothing is upcoming now awhile, but... cannot either disagree

It is time to vote and show up my team's history, with these videos. Vote a one which is in your opinion the best one, the link:
X-treme Alert 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swqku2O98k4
This is the time, when MTDZX was not called MTDZX. Actually, it was called MTD, which in that time, it did change MTD-X, and then again, it did change MTDZX. ( now with "-" on as well )
This is not the first video ever of this era, by having stuff like this, but the first video which is called X-treme Alert. As you can see, nothing much, you can call this very dark age.
Also, this was first and only video which used tweak. As reminder, no mods or any other tricks are used in these videos.
Music is Cubanate - Autonomy
X-treme Alert 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrU6eWCdTo0
This is the time, what most people says this is the first real video of this serie. And I admit it, it kinda is that one. Team is called MTDZX and it did actually have some stuff which you would call a "stunt".
Music is Darren Styles - Dropzone ( Bonkers Mix )
X-treme Alert 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFFtLqX29wc
It was getting better since last time. Stuff was more planned and had some first epic moves.
Still, it was on dark age.
Original music is: Bomfunk MC's - Freestyler ( it got changed due the it was not shown in Germany. )
No idea what music is nowdays, will inform here perhaps once I get more data from my hard disc.
X-treme Alert 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JkLjYLrKPM
This is the last video of dark age. Not much known of this, but once I get an access to my hard disc, I can tell more. ( If it is not told in any comments, or anywhere else )
Notice, it was possible on 0.5V version to make Formula V8 on 2 wheels without a ramp, unless suspension update were released.
Texture on lights are changed as well. ( .dds file )
X-treme Alert 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ym0H44uXJQ
Okay, this is in my opinion the first REAL X-treme Alert video released on youtube. It uses so-called "Stunt Counter", which was original idea to ease people to understand what is what, though it was pretty basical. All 1-5 XA videos are done editing with Windows Movie Maker, while others were used MAGIX, more or less, though.
Call this age as primal age.
Music is Cubanate - Oxyacetylene
X-treme Alert 6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVqZblc2zss
This is the first video of having new software to edit, and also first video to include non-finnish people. It was also a sign to get more and more fame and also to become european team, which still in these days, it lies on this.
This is middle age, all to XA10.
Music is told on at the end on video.
X-treme Alert 7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cljcdiz4EN4
Now this video was planned to be a sequel to X-treme Alert 6. As you can see, how in heck this can be a sequel? Yes, it does not show much on video, but it was clear in us: Me and Haxxor were the "primary" stars, though it was always me, but I always wanted to step out of it. Due the reason or other, I was always in on those videos and because, it was so much fun to do it. To be as creative as possible.
It was also a first video to try something new on video effects.
it was clear we were not good on actual drift, but on actual stunts.
X-treme Alert 8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wmJ9aHwMGA
This video has no music because same reason as on XA3, Germany and youtube.
This included so-called legendary Threading The Needle stunt, though it was reversed one. You can see it what I mean. It was also a "farewell" to Haxxor by having problems inside a team. ( wow, who else knew that? )
X-treme Alert 9: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIWgaDpI9QU
Same problem as on XA8.
Nothing much to tell, it was getting too much repeat, only presenting new guys on there. Notice how we have always used nicknames, even no one did really know who is who and where, or even what!
The most original music was planned to be Overseer - Basstrap, which is theme of game called Stuntman on PlayStation 2.
X-treme Alert 10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nIzz98jHDo
it was planned to be last XA video ever, to stop this madness, which it did... fail. You can notice on music and kind of visuality.
It was an attempt to show basically about what kind of team we are, or were. Well, it was still repeating on last ones, but on deep-side, it was very different. Passion was strong on those days.
This included a nice drift with two FZR's with two almost identical attempts included together, but editing did fail, so it only shows half and half.
Also, texts did bug as always and english was not checked to be correct, due it simply forgot.
X-treme Alert 11: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H85lSwuCwt0
First of all, check on release day!
Welcome to past-modern age!
This time, once again it did include some same stuff, but many, many many many new things as well!
It did also include still a unique stunt made in LFS: Quad V-Transfer.
It is also said by some people before it still is most beautiful XA done, on it's own way!
X-treme Alert 12: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVqGS41IjpM
Very similar to XA11, well, it was tried to be a sequel to XA11. And result is same. Although quality is different. It did include Madness is Art - clips. And also first time 5-Men Backflip with XF GTR.
X-treme Alert 13: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SapyoYqUPL0
Ok, this was very, very very deep and actually somewhat "sad" but also pretty naive video. It was done by using method that we are not going to eat all that disrespect of what happened on LFS. Due the personal and non-personal problems, the team was cracking up badly. It did find out how everyone even in that time, were pretty immature. That includes my teammates, and specially me, but specially "you" (change your name on there, if you feel I am right ). But as said, people change and time changes, it was enormous problems in that time in all sides, but after all, we have grown up and no one, I mean no one should ever have problems mentally by doing stuff like it did happen. But it came up as all as experience and case is closed.
It was also more on racing and new stunts as well.
X-treme Alert 14: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RE1j4aVNkqg
This video did born on very different mood. It was purely on fun and atmosphere were very healthy! Too bad it died once again because my PC broke down completely, and as my personal problems were going ultimately high, I had to stop it and focused to save myself. However, the team did never went on "die"-mode because I knew I could not stop it.
This is latest XA video, released 30.03.2013
So... here is our collection of it. Yes, our primary thing was clearly on stunts. You can still notice some funny errors and other stuff which is not mentioned on here.
And now?
We are continuing it, but it was clear it won't progress as brutal force, but stopping completely either will be out of an question, so we are just "there", more or less inactive, but who knows, as said, times and people do change ( not the most deepest side however )
Vote your favourite XA video and tell why ( optional, of course ), or, if no one of those did satisfaction you, tell why ( optional as well ).
Anyway, it has been pleasure in LFS and yet it still is a pleasure. Many thanks to you and see you in LFS, mainly on MTDZX- Flat Out! server! ( as I am there )
even more info: www.facebook.com/mtdzx
EDIT: Yes, you can vote up to 2, because originally I think the there is not only one which is my favourite/best, so you can vote 2, I voted 11 and 2.