The online racing simulator
MTDZX-: 10-Year Super Special Event(s) getting to be 10...

Hello racers! As you probably know us before, now and then, it is time to wake up and do something unique...

Patch 0.6Q is released with updated mirrors, for me, it was 0.5Q version ( 0.5P ), when I did start LFS. As many years have passed, I am presently known to be a layout maker, themed as FAST... REAL FAST... Flat Out!

MTDZX- is getting 10-year birthday on 25.09.2016 and we are gladly announcing SUPERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR SPECIAL EVENT! ( on that day! )... On this one! ( below )

Yes, this is the little secret revealed! Now how many have done an autocross layout in LFS, which resembles team logo? At least one for now!

This layout contains 2 separate tracks, upper and lower sections, just like in logo. It is Flat Out! themed, so top speed setup is vital here. However, because 6 tight corners each or track, acceleration will become important with big time! As there is no track area in LFS which would had made possible 1:1 logo, it was no chance but scale it to fit in area for multiplayer, so the layout is not perfect. Also, having 1,4 degree limit also did give some minor to major problems, but it all came up for good result.

So, cut the crap, the thing is:

As you have noticed our Flat Out! server ( more info on that link ), it is populated not so often, and usually it is empty, it is time to reveal the fun in other methods again in LFS. And birthday party, is fun!

There will be 2 race events for that specific day, 1 for each track. Cars will be classes 5 and 4. ( organized them as overall top speed ) ( more info of layout itself will come later )

( Layouts are added, it is separated also for 2, 1 or each track, go ahead )


EDIT: ( Added as event on racing calendar, I apologize in advance in case you see it is a bit "choppy". Done it 1st time as much as I could ever do.
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AS4Y_Logo of MTDZX- 2.lyt - 14.2 KB - 970 views
AS4Y_Logo of MTDZX- 1.lyt - 14.2 KB - 536 views
( up top )

nice evont Smile
The thing itself just got bigger a bit, take a look.
ok i take Wave
how long did the layout take you?
Quote from johneysvk :how long did the layout take you?

Well, the planning and measuring took 4 days if counting work times due the scalings. It was originally planned in Westhill, but because invisible trees and hit objects in higher than 60 meters, it was impossible due the object limit. I had to start it again, and managed to pull this off.

The layout itself took 13 hours, because 1,4 degree limit of object direction... yet still it has some minor errors, it is not 100% scaled, but very closely.

it took 1800/1800 objects... Would had put walls on straights and other fancy objects for look, but impossible...


The event will be slightly updated in some point... the amount of laps per event is a bit too much...
It is 1 hour and somewhat 15 minutes before the event starts ( server goes on password and layouts will be uploaded to server )

"server is now passworded: check on spreadsheet the password"
45 minutes before race starts! join in! good chance to win a prize

pw: as mentioned in spreadsheet: happy b-day

also, 4 hours 45 minutes remaining for RACE 2
Winners for RACE 1
Congratulations for greybull [cha] for winning the race 1 on class 5 and receiving a LFS-voucher as a prize!

Congratulations for Sobis for taking the 2nd place on class 4 and receiving a LFS-voucher as a prize! ( Class 4 winner was UnknownMaster21, but because belonging obviously to MTDZX- , and MTDZX- guys does not count, the prize will be given to Sobis!

Here is also the replay of the race! RACE 2 starts in 2 and half hours.

Great race! Let's hope same for next one!

Password is taken off from the server! Join in! ( you see the server under my name )
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MTDZX SSE RACE1.mpr - 2.8 MB - 333 views
Race 2!
Congratulations for k_badam for winning the race 1 on class 5 and receiving a LFS-voucher as a prize!

Congratulations for kamikaze nwe for taking the 3rd place on class 4 and receiving a LFS-voucher as a prize! ( Class 4 winner was UnknownMaster21, but because belonging obviously to MTDZX- , and MTDZX- guys does not count, the prize will be given to kamikaze nwe!

Big thank you guys! The races were not popularly big, but the amount of fun was enough worth of it! Thank you...

...but it is not over yet! Stay tuned once the receive day comes! More info on LFS News ( and here )

PSST: Check kamikaze nwe's finish! Tell me how much lucky he was!
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MTDZX SSE RACE2.mpr - 2.9 MB - 340 views
Any idea of when i will receive my prize? It has been almost a month!
Quote from k_badam :Any idea of when i will receive my prize? It has been almost a month!

On Wednesday! ( upcoming one! ) ( Make sure you check it on that day, as PM will be given to...)

EDIT: I apologize the problems what have occur during the prize giving day. I did pay them individually and 3rd time the transaction got denied. I am sure it is solved the problem.

The problem is told on here:

EDIT2: As mentioned, you will eventually everyone receive a prize who have achieved to win one ( by winning a race or by allotment )
Ok, thanks for the info!