The online racing simulator
"9397 Racing" -Events
(181 posts, started )
Wow that's a great race report, you put a lot of effort into it Smile. Congrats to Nova, easy win for him, he was controlling his pace all the time, brilliant drive Smile
Im glad that i managed to go up so early in the morning, and i did fairly good even tho i first joined that combo 1h before quals Big grin UF1 was fun to drive there, but the new layout that lucaf made and it's on his server atm, well that is hell of a ride with restricted UFR. Looking forward for event with that new combo if you will find time to orgaize it. Otherwise just normal races will be also fun, so don't feel pressured Big grin
Quote from lucaf :26.3.2017

Great race and race report! I really liked that pizza delivery screenshot where we compete with Tex, great subtitle there Big grin Hope to see more events like this! Also, thanks for the voucher! Smile
(lucaf) DELETED by lucaf
(lucaf) DELETED by lucaf
(lucaf) DELETED by lucaf : race report replaces this
UFB @BL4X_MonacoRev 30.3.2017 Race report
UFB @BL4X_MonacoRev 30.3.2017 Race report

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Seventeen drivers did qualification. Kid's time did not pass the qualification level, but his only hotlap was ruined by other racer and he raced well enough in previous event so he was allowed to join race.

Drama begins already in start grid. Johneysvk has techincal problems, his team is not able to prepare him in the starting grid. Also nickname ”Bad name” disappeared after quali. Texas was in the grid, but spectated before green light and disappeared into real-life.

So we were fifteen in the grid, and fourteen cars started the race.

Most of racers had R3/R2 tyre strategy, second most popular strategy was R2/R2, one racer had R4/R2, one had R3/R3.

The grid was loose enough, to prevent any chaos on T1. Polesitter Nova hits the track border immediately in T1, loses a fraction that was enough for Ylöstalo to attack on T2 and take the lead.

(Ylöstalo squeezepassing Nova on T2)

Blistering start from UM21 who passed three cars until T2 from pos 10 to pos 7.

(UM21 in green car, after passed two behind him, and haunting the red one)

All cars where nicely in race after half lap Big grin

Also nice move from Hans in T3 overtaking Matti88.

First unlucky is Gti Mxtu who flips the car on T13 and retires from penultimate position.

Drama gets high on lap2. Leader Ylöstalo hits the same T1 inner border than Nova hit after start, Ylöstalo's car bounces out of track into pit building wall and suspension broke. Even pit boxes were behind corner, Ylöstalo decided to retire from race.




So it was clean road for Nova followed by Motek. Mandula in 3rd place hits also the ”curb of death” - inner border of T1.

No big hit this time for Mandula (but look at his tyre LOL), car remains on track but he loses places to Kardol, and while tyring to defend that loss, loses position also to UM21 who gained two positions on sector 1.

(UM21 nice move outside Mandula)

After surrendering to UM21, 5Tag got attacked and passed by Hans after bold move in T6. Thanks to 5Tag's experience, Hans got enough space in very narrow place.

(Hans' outside pass)

Ten corners later, Hans flipped his car and retired. Meanwhile, Arska had a contact with wall at T14 and losed place to 9397.

After lap 2, situation is:
Nova, Motek -1.4s, Kardol -0.8s, Um21 -1.4s, Mandula -0.6s, 5Tag -1.9s, Mattia88 -1.4s, MGEDK -1.4s, 9397 -1.4s, Arska -0.6s, Kid -11.4s

The ”curb of death” got its next victim on lap 3: Motek from second position, is thrown off track bit similar like Ylöstalo on lap 2.

(Motek tasting the curb, Kardol following)

(Have a nice wall kiss Motek!)

Motek continues by pitting in the box and loses time while fixing damages.

Some small gaps where created during lap 3: Nova, Kardol, <gap>, UM21, Mandula, <gap>, 5tag, Mattia88, <gap>… MGEDK almost flips on T4 curb, and loses position to 9397 and Arska.

In the lead Kardol was definitely following Nova like a shadow. Mandula was even more close to UM21 searching for any opportunity to pass.

Lap 4 takes it victim: Mattia88, who was nicely hanging on 5tag pace, goes too hungry on T4 curb, flips his car and spectates immediately:

(too much is too much)

The situation was
Nova, Kardol, <gap>, UM21, Mandula, 5tag, <gap>, 9397, <gap>, Arska, MGEDK, <gap>, Kid, <gap>, Motek

UM21 struggling to find pace, was bottlenecking Mandula and 5tag wich both were overtaked by him several laps before. This resulted 9397 and Arska to close the gap on that group. Excited from this situation, 9397 on lap 6, greedy on ”curb of death”. Same result as Ylöstalo and Motek – smashed into pitwall (+rotating once upside down). With no fatal damages in car, returns on track well behind the pack, but before Kid and Motek.

(9397 got wings between 5Tag and Arska)

(bye bye Mandula, 5Tag, Arska! I prefer to roll on the grass instead of racing with you!)

On lap 6, Nova and Kardol were just flying compared to others coming 9 seconds behind. Really aggressive pace from Kardol who started from pos #6 and had almost 2sec slower qualifying time than Nova. (later Nova told he had put fuel for 60 laps)

Mandula finally found the way to take his position back from UM21 on lap 7, maybe the most spectacular overtake of the race, in the trickiest part of the track. At this point the gap to Kardol running 2nd, was 11 sec.

(Mandula sees his opportunity)

(outside - now or never!)

(and finally inside, done!)

But it was no peace to UM21. It was 5tag and team mate Arska on his tail. Soon Arska passes 5tag and begin to chase his team mate.

(no, this is not a wheelie performance, its just 5tag having a grip test on his all-R3 set ...and surrendering to Arska)

MGEDEK was already for some laps lost the pace and dropped away from Arska and 5tag. He flips his car on T17 but is able to continue. His after-flip car looks relly hilarious, but doesnt looks like suffering enormous technical damages. Anyway MGEDEK, now 9397 in his tail, pits and gets damages fixed with a cost of many places, almost one lap behind leaders.

(MGEDEK and his facelifted UFB)

On lap 10 errors begin to appear: Kardol makes maybe his first error on T7 and leaves some 1-2 sec gap to Nova. This had to be great news for Nova who was at the same time encountering the first slower car to be lapped.

Yet after that, Mandula distracts or something, and flips his car on T12 and retires from pos 3.

(damn that turn….)

Yet after that, UM21 on T14 makes half-flip and his Arska overtakes him passing almost under his car's floor.

(This is how MTDZX members give space to each others)

At this point Kid, running penultimate, makes a pitstop with no reason, and gets overtaked from MGEDEK. Nice awareness from Kid stopping his car on pit exit and waited leaders passing the zone.

Situation was Nova, Kardol, <gap>, Arska, UM21, 5tag…<looong gap>.Motek... 9397... MGEDEK…. Kid

Drama again on lap 13; Kardol shadowing the leader for already ten laps and still right in the tail, touches the ”curb of death” on T1, and his car is smashed into barriers and flips. Retirement. After retirement, Kardol comments: ”impossible to pass here”. (that's why the track is named 'Monaco'…)


(desperate try to save it)

(ok, then let's fly!)

Kardol out! At this point Nova was already on sector2 when next cars crossing finish line. UM21 hand't give up to Arska, but continue chasing him inside ”DRS zone” (< 1sec). 5Tag was slowly dropping from their pace.

MTDZX Team has showtime on lap 14, again T14 and this time Arska begins the show by flipping, UM21 somehow kissing Arskas car and they both rotating around track like toys. Both continue the race right in front of 5tag.

(”um21, im bored, lets have fun”, ”yes arska, do you like this punch?”)

UM21 again on attack mode on lap 18, T4, 0.5 sec behind Arska. Goes too greedy into apex, hits white tyre stack, and this time the barrier limits the possibility to handle the 2-wheel situation (what is known as UM21's trademark). Retirement.

So it was looking like 5tag will be get the 3rd podium place, but no. Motek, after having damage pitstop very early in the race, was the second fast on the track and closing rapidly the gap to 5Tag. On last lap, 5tag whose car had several damages, used the last opportunity to taste ”curb of death”. This time no death, only small hit enabling Motek to pass him and drop to 4th.

(5Tag followed and soon passed by Motek)

Last but not least, Kid joined race with zero practice, did a careful job, handled very nicely blue flag situations, and finished the race:

Finishers and final standings (click the photo):

The 3£ LFS Voucher was this time drawn to 5Tag, congrats!

Top drama places (not sure if I registered all hits)
  • T1, curb of death: Ylostalo, Motek, 9397, Kardol (+ small hits causing position loss: Nova, Mandula, 5tag)
  • T4, UM21, Arska, Mattia88, (+ smaller hit MGEDK)
  • T17 Hans, MGEDK
  • T12 Mandula
  • T7, Kardol (smaller hit)
  • T13 Gti-Mxtu
(BTW in many layouts I have put speed humps over ”curb of death” but while refactoring this layout, I decided to remove them - because I received many complains about them. Don't know was it good decision or not, at least I was not blamed for the flips it caused... )

Basic tv-view replay of first 3 laps:

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ufb @monacoRev 30.3..mpr - 5.2 MB - 396 views
Such a detailed race report, thanks for that Big grin , also, that shot where UM is on 2 wheels (he did that almost every lap there lol), is epic!
I lost momemtum with my not-so-good setup, so I made mistake and that's that. Man I got annoyed, instant leave. Anyway, good race!
That was my first race event ever in LFS and i had an amazing time Smile I had a great start but after that near flip i lost 2 places and got greedy and pushed my self beyond my limit which cost me the race as you can see on my facelifted ufr Big grin ... Pit was a disaster, i didnt need it but i didnt like the feeling of my new car Smile Well amazing race and report. See you on the next one i guess Smile

P.S: I really cant understand why people left instantly. Race goes on who made mistakes also Smile

P.S2: And on report my nick keeps changing between MGEDK and MGEDEK Smile It should be MGEDK.. I know its hard to keep track all of the nicknames but just sayin... Smile
Here's the pole lap, the one where I cheated death over the penultimate turn Tongue

It was great fun racing, yet again. Pressure at front was enourmous, awesome racing with Ylostavio and Kardol while it lasted Rofl
Didn't help that I had 60 laps worth of fuel for a 20 lap race, but hey, great battling.

Great report, very detailed. Thumbs up

I have to join one of these myself sometime. Big grin
Hopefully i can make it to grid this time, had to reboot my PC and then reboot it again, because it totally froze up opening LFS :S
Exception: Two 3£ LFS Vouchers will be drawn among finishers of next race, because previous voucher winner did reject the voucher (5Tag) - or actually, he asked me to draw it in next event. So extra fun next time!

edit: invitation page address fixed:
https://9397racing.wordpress.c ... dustrialoceanus-7-4-2017/
Aah, i have some RL duties at that time, but i'm sure the report will make it up for me. Smile

Btw. i also flipped and ruined my suspension, that was the reason for my second pit. Just thought i'll give your drama spots another victim. Tongue
Qualification starts in one hour, welcome!
Sorry couldn't make event 3 due to school.. how did it go?
UFJ @BL2X_IndustrialOceanus 7.4.2017 Race report
UFJ @BL2X_IndustrialOceanus 7.4.2017 Race report

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This time we were just seven doing qualification and six continuing to the race while Jay left server. Just before the race a bunch of racers joined server, and were allowed to join race since the participation was so small. So we were happily ten racers in the grid.

Katila made jump start and was thrown to the pits. Unluckily Airio setting didnt allow he to join from pits, until I found a safe place to stop my car on 1st lap, and enabled midrace join. So Katila joined the race almost one lap behind.

(T1 happenings)

Ardeee from 7th grid slot found his way to the lead already until the last sector of first lap.

On 2nd lap also Kardol and Michal passed Tukko. On 5th place was kokkko already some seconds behind, and all the rest were just dropped quite far and Kurkku wihout any experience on layout, demolished his car on barriers. In the same barriers of sector 4 went also Jaska, pressured by Kristian.

Michal was nicely chasing Kardol until hit strongly barrier on lap 3 sector2. As result of this, he rejoined with red clutch, Tukko and kokkko in his tail.

Kokkko with very little experience, was doing nice job on 5th position, until flipped his car on lap 4 sector 2.

Tukko chased Michal until lap 6 when he found ”open door” by a small mistake of Michal. Two sectors later Michal kissed barrier and let 9397 pass him. In the back, Kristian encounters a deadly barrier contact on sector 2. On next lap 9397 and Tukko switched positions.

At half point of the race, Ardeee had some 30s gap, then was Kardol 2nd suffering tyre overheating and pressure from 9397 and Tukko. Some seconds later was Michal, and then Katila. Tukko flipped his car on lap 10, Kardol pitted and dropped down, then later retired.

Not many racers were running on same lap, the later half of the race. Finally Ardeee took win with almost one minute gap.

This time there was two lucky receiving 3£ LFS vouchers, one went for Ardeee, one for Michal.

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UFJ@BL2X_IndustrialOceanus race.mpr - 4.7 MB - 390 views
damn the small grid Frown

(xfg event on same track next weekend, will be announced later)
#94 - 5tag
I'll just wait for some RWD options to appear.
I'll just wait for the racetime to become earlier...
then you guys may want to join the MRT CUP 2017 Round 3 that happens 1.5 hrs before this, on LFS-SUOMI, just check leagues/calendar
UFJ @BL4X_Cronos 12.4.2017 - Race report
UFJ @BL4X_Cronos 12.4.2017 - Race report

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Nine racers did qualify, and ten cars were on grid. Like in all previous races, also in this race some surprising non-expected things (by race organizer) happened before start. Finally the main race started, but Mandula was sadly missing from the grid.

Right at the beginning, the front row guys Tukko and Michal escaped and the rest of the pack was having its own show. Katila took 3rd place with brilliant start, but again was very unlucky and had accident in the chicane on last sector. Celeritas, started from back of the grid, rushed quckly his way to top 4 during first laps.

(first lap, sector 2)

Like the previous race, this race turned out to be a survival race also. After lap 4, there was Tukko and Michal on his tail. Then at 3 sec there was 9397 and Celeritas on his tail. And very far away Soini and EmKa were doing their best. All the rest already retired.

Celeritas took 3rd pos on lap 5, and Michal continued to put nicely pressure on Tukko until around lap 7 when he begin to drop from Tukko's pace. Celeritas passed Michal on lap 9 and 9397 closed the gap on Michal at lap 13. These four cars were anymore in the race.

Michal flip-banged his car on lap 14 and suffered enormous time loss while trying to find the way back to the track behind barriers. On same lap Tukko made error on chicane and flipped his car under pressure from Celeritas.

Celeritas, without hardly being practised the track, showed stunning pace and consistency, cruised safely to victory, even hit barrier on lap 20 losing one suspension. 9397 running one sector behind (also spun on lap 21) and coming second. Michal, running one lap behind, flipped his car before finish.

(winner crossing finish line)

Just for curiosity, fastest lap of Tukko was 1:28:54 and fastest lap of Michal (after pitting and running without pressure 1:28:35)

The 3£ LFS voucher went to Celeritas this time.
hm i see the participation levels have dropped as you push the racetime further back... Rofl
TBO's @BL2X_IndustrialEurus
After you have enjoyed China F1 race, welcome to S1 event:

edit: I postpone the event, since there is ROC at same time
ah not hell, ROC is today Big grin there is some GTR event tomorrow, but its a bit earlier


quick check to the track (old version with old curbs)

"9397 Racing" -Events
(181 posts, started )