

Round 4 is done and did feature multiple times of entertaining issues. Turn 1 was amazing to see no one did fail on there, even close calls did happen! from 10 qualifiers, 9 started, 6 finished, but only 1 can be winner!
Congratulations to LLM.Sobis! First pole, first fastest lap, first win and
FIRST GRAND SLAM! Excellent performance! hats off to applause!
2nd position goes to MTDZX-Arska, and 3rd position takes Rony from Race Green Autosports. Fourth place is earned by T. Soini and 5th place takes Willi, who got dropped in lap 1, managed to keep the pace to finish line, unlike some other people, which will be shown on highlights. Here is some highlights.
Start grid
Turn 1.. Jay from Finland (jh89) made excellent cornering and managed to take multiple positions. Amazingly no one did crash, although Rony had minor incident with MayT, which caused MayT to go on 2wheels for a moment due the contact. It was MayT's fault, but no penalties given, only finger pointings towards to him.
Fatal four-wide, contacts did happen, but everyone survived!
Willi drops by driving mistake! he luckily drops to the void and gets no collision to any path! he managed to get back to the track by doing !flip command under the layout, which teleports ALWAYS to the highest point! Knowledge is power, and completely legal!
Jay's greedy and unlucky attempt on left hand turn ends to disaster!
MayT did survive lap 1... almost, too much throttle on slippery concrete slabs and too much on the edge causes this, game's over!
Back to turn 1, moment when Rony overtakes fordern
UM21's turn! too greedy, and show is over... ...but show-off starts!
"Better be in track than in void!" fordern and T. Soini had some little meeting on last corner. Gently fordern lets Soini to overtake after he made his rally entry bit too far! No matter how it was, respect shines for non-contact overtake!
Look what the bose dragged in! What if you sometime join for the actual race, dear coder?

( Yes, worth for picture! )
And finally it was fordern's turn... fordern's comment after this indicent: "today's lesson: try to open your cookies BEFORE the race" Cake is lie my friend... better luck next time!

Willi and UM21 were the only guys using !flip command, both twice ( though Willi used once only, or did he? )
MayT did join back on the track because /midrace no command was not activated. It would had cause automatic DQ, but because he ultimately failed on track, it was settled up.
This was shortest race from what we have done.
UM21 did have a pitstop, no mandatory pitstop was required.
There were several complaiments about hairpins.
Some racers had cookies before race and during race ( well, at least attempted )
Stay tuned for Round 5, which will be on tuesday, on 16.00 UTC! It will be slightly different compared to earlier races! Thank you for all participants! See you next time!