Limit/Detect Aerodynamics ( Wings ):
This does not be shown for others, but should be a one of implements for InSim. This is kinda indirectly involved to limit car setups, but instead of limiting it completely, just having few parts from there of here, regardless of any. This is the thing which would be used
Ofc, there can be other things to detect, but that is one what comes in first place.
More accurate m/s
As having added functional speed traps, it seems it is not accurate. This is due what I have understands, it shows whole digits of your speed in InSim, but it won't be enough accurate when you multiply by 3,6 to show km/h. This could be probably fixes by having decimals to show on m/s, which in case then would show more accurate kph on speed traps, unless certain circumstances it is possible already, or in certain reasons not possible due the physical limits, or any.
Unless I have forgotten something... Yeah, lol
This does not be shown for others, but should be a one of implements for InSim. This is kinda indirectly involved to limit car setups, but instead of limiting it completely, just having few parts from there of here, regardless of any. This is the thing which would be used
Ofc, there can be other things to detect, but that is one what comes in first place.
More accurate m/s
As having added functional speed traps, it seems it is not accurate. This is due what I have understands, it shows whole digits of your speed in InSim, but it won't be enough accurate when you multiply by 3,6 to show km/h. This could be probably fixes by having decimals to show on m/s, which in case then would show more accurate kph on speed traps, unless certain circumstances it is possible already, or in certain reasons not possible due the physical limits, or any.
Unless I have forgotten something... Yeah, lol