The online racing simulator
With new Blackwood still unfixed one design problem (that was also in old blackwood?) On sector 3 you can cut last curve immediately after pit entry and you will gain with XFG some 0.3-0.5 seconds. I can provide youtube vid, but I think this does not need explanation.
Quote from lucaf :With new Blackwood still unfixed one design problem (that was also in old blackwood?) On sector 3 you can cut last curve immediately after pit entry and you will gain with XFG some 0.3-0.5 seconds. I can provide youtube vid, but I think this does not need explanation.

Hmm i don't quite understand what you're trying to say. Did you mean cutting the last corner by going through the grass/sand pit on the left side of the track?
look at the thread and see for yourself Big grin
Quote from lucaf :With new Blackwood still unfixed one design problem (that was also in old blackwood?) On sector 3 you can cut last curve immediately after pit entry and you will gain with XFG some 0.3-0.5 seconds. I can provide youtube vid, but I think this does not need explanation.

Please post a replay file of the exploit here, and I'll see what can be done about it for the next incompatible update.
BL1 sector3 cut example
In the replay at 3:17 check the leader (nickname edifabiro)
Attached files
BL1_sector3_cutting.mpr - 548.6 KB - 373 views
Nothing important. You will lose twice as much in first turn coz of dirty tires Wink
Unless it's the last lap of a race, so yes it is important
Quote from englishlord :Is Gran Turismo now the place for high end physics simulation?

It's quite sad that the people on that forum/thread actually believe Gran Turismo, a consoole simcade, is the most realistic game physics and graphics wise.
Quote from BeNoM :It's quite sad that the people on that forum/thread actually believe Gran Turismo, a consoole simcade, is the most realistic game physics and graphics wise.

I'm amazed of that too. Some of them are really convinced of that, even one of them said that AC and PCars physics were "unrealistic" and that GT's physics were realistic Looney

It's even sadder to compare tire modelling, I kek'd on that one. Even LFS 0.5 versions had a more complex tire modelling than GT will ever have. And I can't even imagine what it will be with the new one coming up not too far.

Ps: dem tiny heart-attacks believing a new update came up everytime I check this one Tilt