This thread is work in progress
In this Thread you will find examplecodes for each event in LFSLapper
You can request more code examples in this subforum:
# This file contains a list of events that are triggered from within LFSLapper . Start with (CATCH)EVENT and it end with (CATCH)ENDEVENT
# ALL of these events MUST have at least 1 Event handler in the LFSLapper.lpr configuration file, otherwise it will cause an error on load.
#Event triggered when LFSLapper starts Goto post
#Connect & Disconnect ,Join & Leaving the race goto post
#Acceleration progress
#Pit events
#Race starts
#During Race
#Race Ends
#Driven Distance
#Spin/Crash Detection
#Car Reset
#Text Messages
#Swearword detection
#Changing nickname
#Car/Track Rotation
#ButtonAction (Shift+I en Shift+B)
#Hit objects
In this Thread you will find examplecodes for each event in LFSLapper
You can request more code examples in this subforum:
# This file contains a list of events that are triggered from within LFSLapper . Start with (CATCH)EVENT and it end with (CATCH)ENDEVENT
# ALL of these events MUST have at least 1 Event handler in the LFSLapper.lpr configuration file, otherwise it will cause an error on load.
#Event triggered when LFSLapper starts Goto post
#Connect & Disconnect ,Join & Leaving the race goto post
OnConnect( $userName ); #Player joined the server
OnNewJoinRequest( $userName ); #Player request to join the track
OnNewPlayerJoin( $userName ); #Player joined the race
OnDisConnect( $userName, $reason ); #Player left the server
OnLeaveRace( $userName ); #Player left the race (Spectate or Pit)
#Acceleration progress
OnAcceleration( $userName );
OnAcceleration2( $userName );
#Pit events
OnPit( $userName );
OnEndPit( $userName );
OnEndPitWindow( $userName );
OnEnterPitLane( $userName, $reason );
OnExitPitLane( $userName );
OnFastDriveOnPitL1( $userName );
OnFastDriveOnPitL2( $userName );
OnMaxFastDriveOnPit( $userName );
OnNotPitWindow( $userName );
OnPlayerSelectCar($userName,$Car,$Time); #Player select a car in the garage
OnChangeTyres( $userName, $FL_Changed, $FR_Changed, $RL_Changed, $RR_Changed );
OnPBQual( $userName );
OnPracStart( $numP );
OnQualStart( $NumP );
#Race starts
OnREO ( $NumP, $ReqI, $GridOrder );
OnRaceStart( $NumP );
OnFalseStartL1( $userName );
OnFalseStartL2( $userName );
#During Race
OnLap( $userName );
OnMaxAllowedLapTime1( $userName );
OnMaxAllowedLapTime2( $userName );
OnNewGapPlayerBefore( $userName, $split );
OnNewGapPlayerBehind( $userName, $split );
OnChangePos($userName, $lastPos, $currPos);
OnPB( $userName );
OnMaxSessionLaps( $userName );
OnSpbLast( $userName );
OnSpbSplit1( $userName );
OnSpbSplit2( $userName );
OnSpbSplit3( $userName );
OnSplit1( $userName );
OnSplit2( $userName );
OnSplit3( $userName );
OnResult( $userName,$flagConfirm );
OnFinish( $userName );
#Race Ends
OnRaceEnd( );
#Driven Distance
OnDistDone( $userName );
OnDriftLap( $userName );
OnDriftPB( $userName );
OnDriftResetScore( $userName );
OnDriftScore( $userName );
OnDriftTooLow( $userName );
OnGoodDrift( $userName );
OnVoteEndChange($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote, $Need);
OnVoteEndReach($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote, $Need);
OnVoteQualifyChange($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote, $Need);
OnVoteQualifyReach($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote, $Need);
OnVoteRestartChange($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote, $Need);
OnVoteRestartReach($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote, $Need);
OnIdle1( $userName );
OnIdle2( $userName );
#Spin/Crash Detection
OnAngleVelocity( $userName );
OnMaxNbInStunt( $userName );
#Car Reset
OnCarReset( $userName );
OnMaxCarResets( $userName );
#Text Messages
OnMSO( $userName, $text );
OnFlood( $userName );
OnNotMatchFlags( $userName );
OnAuthAllowed( $userName );
OnAuthNotAllowed( $userName );
OnAuthReached( $userName,$level );
OnToLowHandicap( $userName );
#Swearword detection
OnSwearWords1( $userName );
OnSwearWords2( $userName );
#Changing nickname
OnNameChange($userName, $oldNickName, $newNickName);
#Car/Track Rotation
#ButtonAction (Shift+I en Shift+B)
OnButtonFunction($userName, $SubT);
#Hit objects