The online racing simulator
#1 - shim
amount of daylight (S3 thing)
just a quick thought, have the amount of light on the track as the same time as on the server.. so if the sun is setting in real life where the server is, in game the sun in the game is setting.. and the same thing if the sun is rising..

of course this is optional on the server end if its enabled or not..
been talked about plenty of times, realtime; this has been brought up every single time the talk about the incar clocks have been brought up
I don't like evening
let it be noon forever! :banana:
...and only let the cars run 10am until 4pm if they're a UK based server due to noise pollution regulations... !

No seriously, i'd like weather bound to the tracks fictional location but this is a bad idea. I get to race after work every night, I dont want to race LFS in the evening all the time because track temperature will be lower and so on.
#5 - jarre
but if this was optional on servers, it would probably mean that all of the dedicated servers would have this and the others would run daytime races.

just to find a server that rund a day race

I like this idea and have tought about it several times before:P
The only problem introducing all of these variables it means that whenevery you want to race in sunny it means that looking through all of the servers you may only find one that is suitable!

Basically it means that you are going to find it harder to get the race that you want when you are online!

This may also affect league races as well because things will be different dependant on the server and time!!
#7 - ajp71
Simulating night racing is a daft idea as far as I'm concerned. I'd like to see someone do a decent job of rain before we bother with the difficulties of night racing.