The online racing simulator
List of TeamSpeak 3 Channels used for Events

Sport Racing Team Finland finally has a TeamSpeak 3-channel. But it has not one, not two, not three, but six freaking TeamSpeak 3-channels!

To join in one of these channels, you need to join in this TeamSpeak 3-server: (ts3server:// is a URL, copy this if you want to join in this server via browser - provided that you have TeamSpeak 3 installed in your computer)

After that, you notice a channel which is called Sport Racing Team Finland, it has five sub-channels: Finnish, English, Event Channel, SRT's Members and Traceur's GameNest. Each channel has a description to inform the purpose for that specific channel. I have posted these in here:

Sport Racing Team Finland:
Main channel, but I advise you to don't be in here since you can't actually speak at all. You need to switch in one of the sub-channels instead. This channel however is public for everyone.

If you can speak Finnish, you may switch into this channel. This channel is public for everyone.

If you can speak English, you may switch into this channel. This channel is public for everyone.

Event Channel:
This channel is meant for racing with significantly lower risk of getting distracted. You can use this channel during events as well. This channel is protected with password and if you want to find out that password, you need to join in Sport Racing Team Finland's LFS-server and then type command !ts3. With that, you will see password for this channel.

SRT's Members:
This channel is only for members of Sport Racing Team Finland, admins of this TeamSpeak 3-server and people invited to this channel. This channel is protected with password.

Traceur's GameNest:
This channel is only for me (Traceur), admins of this TeamSpeak 3-server and people invited to this channel. In other words, if you want to join in this channel, you need to be get invited either by me or admin of this TeamSpeak 3-server. This channel is meant to discuss about things which are not suppose to reveal for people. Obviously, this channel is protected with password.

So, if you want to drive and talk at the same time, I advise you to join in either Event Channel (after you have found out that what is the password for that channel) or English-channel (or Finnish-channel if you speak Finnish).