The online racing simulator
FO8 upshifting glitch?
(17 posts, started )
FO8 upshifting glitch?

Recently driving the FO8 about, around SO.
Noticed that upshifting from 3rd to 4th (the only gears that are affected) puts the engine in desync with the gearbox?

Example (upshifting)
Let's say I'm going down a straight, accelerating at 100% throttle. I go to change up from 3rd to 4th, and instead of a instant shift (like a normal upshift), I get this weird "neutral" moment from the gearbox where the clutch engages for a longer time, before going into 4th. Sometimes, if the keypress is not long enough, the gear sticks to 3rd, and goes not upshift into 4th. Like it'll just hop the revs, cut the engine for a split second and resume back to full revs in 3rd gear. Or sometimes, it just skips 4th and goes into 5th. Both are really annoying and pisses me off because each time that happens I lose time down the rest of any straight.

For me, it seems like a gearbox "lag" kinda thing. As if the gearbox takes a longer time to select 3rd and 4th gears. Not sure if any of the devs you guys are aware of this, but it has happened on all control systems, mouse, wheel, kb (feedback-ed).

And the problem is way more pronounced in Indylights setup or FO8 Junior (both with mass added or restriction). It just basically dulls and cuts the revs out from 3rd to 4th, and takes twice as long to upshift. Sometimes you even have to doubleshift (double tap your upshift key) to get the gearbox to select 4th.

Is this a known problem? I could upload footage with the pedal trace and rev counter if needed, but if this is already known I could probably do without doing the above.

Would like rsvp because this has been happening quite a long time (just that I've not bothered or remembered to write this out lol)



This was me having to upshift twice to engage 4th gear. Not a keypress length issue. Tried it from 6 to 10 and made no difference.
Bit hard to observe as this is a after-quali replay, and replays tend to "unsync and lag" the car a little, so the shifting glitch is a little more subdued?
Might try getting a live driving footage if the video is not up to par, but I hope it clears the air a little.
Tried recreating it myself, Gearbox and shifts worked perfectly fine on 0% restriction,but problem occur when you add it.
At 50% you get problem with shifting from 3rd to 4th.So,if you upshift at redline,your revs will drop about 500 rpm (like you turned off engine) and its true that sometimes you need to doubleshift to get it into 4th.

Live :
This has been in LFS since... always?

This is just an example from a thread from 2016, I'm sure you'll find a ton more reports about this issue.

Quote from Whiskey :Don't worry, this bug has been in LFS since forever, it has been reported many years ago with no official answer...

You can reproduce it very easily using the FO8, upshifting to 3rd gear while on rev-limiter. It has something to do with the torque the engine produces and the air resistance, you can also see it on Kyoto oval trying to upshift to the car's top gear.

It is also quite related to your driving style, I can get it several times in a row (specially useful at race start when you get passed by everyone...) while other people hardly ever hit the required conditions.

also have experienced with FOX, can be seen from attached replay before last corner while upshifting from 4th to 5th
Attached files
ImudilaSkyline_SO2_FOX_047120.spr - 44.2 KB - 719 views
Yup, I experienced that too, but actually this problem annoyed me even more in FOX than in FO8.
Quote from R@fiXII :Yup, I experienced that too, but actually this problem annoyed me even more in FOX than in FO8.

Yeah... FOX has that too.. really annoying because it's a bug and not down to driving style, and you have to alter your gear shifting style to suit a bug. @Whiskey Ah, I see. Why has it not been fixed yet?

Will we have an answer soon, @Scawen whether it'll be a fixable bug..?

It's especially annoying when you're in the front of a drafting train, at the start of a race, or when trying to set a quali lap (I've had these so many times it pisses me off so much). It's not even down to restrictions either, I get the FO8 shifting bug on 0% restrictions.

Quote from MicroSpecV :@Whiskey Ah, I see. Why has it not been fixed yet?

Will we have an answer soon, @Scawen whether it'll be a fixable bug..?

You kind of answered yourself in that last question xDDD
Quote from Whiskey :You kind of answered yourself in that last question xDDD

What..? That he won't bother? Big Eye
Quote from MicroSpecV :What..? That he won't bother? Big Eye

Exactly, this is one of those bugs that have been in the game since the beginning.
Same thing goes for another bug, where you can press Shift+R to vote restart race and you get a frame of backwards facing camera. I even got told it doesn't happen Ya right

The glitch bothers some people more than others, it depends on driving style. For me it is horrible, I've got times of having 3 miss-shifts in a single upshift. As you say this can get pretty dangerous if the race is packed.
Quote from Whiskey :Exactly, this is one of those bugs that have been in the game since the beginning.
Same thing goes for another bug, where you can press Shift+R to vote restart race and you get a frame of backwards facing camera. I even got told it doesn't happen Ya right

The glitch bothers some people more than others, it depends on driving style. For me it is horrible, I've got times of having 3 miss-shifts in a single upshift. As you say this can get pretty dangerous if the race is packed.

Wonder why these things haven't been rectified... although it's still less of a problem than F1 2015.. or the VW Scriocco.. lol
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :because we want the physics as you said in another post?
"giving yourself the answer" !

So overlook small things, to make big things, that will perform badly because the small problems add up to bite back. gg
still very annoying this bug, must be a fundamental issue in the system if nothing has ever been explained about it
(A bit late but oh well lol)
I get something smilar with the XFR*. From 1st to 5th gear I can press the shift up key as fast as it can possibly be and it shifts up right away, but in 6th gear I need to be a tad bit slower for LFS to detect it.

*Also happens with FOX and the aforementioned F08.
FOX: The same as the XFR
F08: This glitch appears to happen from 4th gear and above, but couldn't reproduce it with 3th to 4th upshift
yes - all cars with sequential gearboxes

i guess XRR and FXR have more than enough torque to bypass this but with substantial restriction they most likely have the same issue
nope, it's just more rare in GTRs. Especially with restricted ones it happens more frequently.

I never thought of it as a glitch, just that the gear couldn't engage because the throttle and ignition were still engaged somehow when it tried to change. I sort of would expect that to happen on simpler ignition cut sequential transmissions, altough very rarely.
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :small bump here. im having both up and downshift issues with any sequential gearbox car now. XFR was seriously a drag to drive on as1, when you cant downshift... so.. i went on board in fbm. cant upshift proper and cant downshift properly. which makes it almost impossible to do, well.. anything really. especially driving some okay times. i simply cant do that with fbm atleast. which is sad as its actually fun to drive it. even with kb. but the gears on all cars almost. actually except the GTR cars. all others do something weird . well thats my experience atleast.

on downshifting, it works if i do so while braking. then it downshifts.
but if im not in a braking, it simply doesnt shift.
also i have to use clutch on upshifting to get it to shift.
tested this in FBM.

You might have problems with Button Rate or your wheel/pedals. Doesn't sound like the issue I'm mentioning, but if someone can chime in on your new issue maybe it may be related Tongue
Are you using any car mods?
For me the replay looks the same when i tweaked and used car mods, saved the replay and then rewatched it with the vanilla game.

I only know this explanation for this kind of car jumping in the replay. Never seen in other case

FO8 upshifting glitch?
(17 posts, started )