It's 21 and over. All the details you need are on this page: ... yclesAndMopeds/DG_4022568
So if you're 21 now you'll be able to do it. Don't forget to:
a) get an insurance quote (this can put paid to a lot of dreams, I wish you luck)
b) Budget for a helmet (I'd go for the most comfortable and light ACU Gold approved helmet you can afford)
c) Gloves, boots and a jacket with elbow/shoulder/back protectors.
It's up to you what level of protection you want to buy, and it's not all that expensive. Sometimes even Lidl do cheap bike stuff that will tide you over while you save up for more hard-wearing/longer lasting stuff. ... yclesAndMopeds/DG_4022568
So if you're 21 now you'll be able to do it. Don't forget to:
a) get an insurance quote (this can put paid to a lot of dreams, I wish you luck)
b) Budget for a helmet (I'd go for the most comfortable and light ACU Gold approved helmet you can afford)
c) Gloves, boots and a jacket with elbow/shoulder/back protectors.
It's up to you what level of protection you want to buy, and it's not all that expensive. Sometimes even Lidl do cheap bike stuff that will tide you over while you save up for more hard-wearing/longer lasting stuff.