The online racing simulator
#1 - Racon
No response to my JRR packet (reset/flip)
I'm sure I'm doing something daft, but I can't seem to get LFS to respond to my JRR packet. I smooshed the car up (damaged suspension and upside down), then tried my JRR.

UCID is zero as it's not a join request response. PLID is correct as it matches the NPL. Flags set to 128 (0x80), Index 0. The coordinates are correct, and in layout format, confirmed by adding an object right on top of the car and getting (almost) the same numbers.

I've sent both no-reset:
*** Sending JRR: 083a000f00050000d7eec7b5748000ea (Size=>8,Type=>58,ReqI=>0,PLID=>15,UCID=>0,JRRAction=>5,Sp2=>0,Sp3=>0,X=>-4393,Y=>-19001,Zbyte=>116,Flags=>128,Index=>0,Heading=>234)

...and reset types:
*** Sending JRR: 083a000f00040000d7eec7b5748000ea (Size=>8,Type=>58,ReqI=>0,PLID=>15,UCID=>0,JRRAction=>4,Sp2=>0,Sp3=>0,X=>-4393,Y=>-19001,Zbyte=>116,Flags=>128,Index=>0,Heading=>234)

I send the packet and nothing happens, any ideas?
Not sure about what library you are using, but I can tell you the first point I can see: packet size is wrong. IS_JRR size is 16, not 8.

Can you set the debug on? Maybe the error message could help a bit more.
#3 - Racon
That was it, I said it'd be something silly Wink
