The online racing simulator
Just watched reply and i think 2 weeks ban for that behavior.

In my eyes clearly attack on purpose
I keep forgetting about fragmaster races :/
Quote from RC-Maus :Just watched reply and i think 2 weeks ban for that behavior.

In my eyes clearly attack on purpose

imo 2wks ban is too much, but ofc revenge crashes no good idea.

About Gordon's move I have to say: I hate that kind of moves: when you enter a very tight corner from a very unnatural line that you would never use seriously, but in this case you do it just to put your nose in front of the car that is following the natural raceline. Nobody would do that IRL on track.

That phenomenon can be seen very often in South City races in t1 (or is it t2?) after the start there is always one genius who decides to follow the very inner line of the track until the apex, causing massive accident in the tight left.

Then Gordon in addition honked wich must have been amplified the provocation. If instead of honking he would have post a "sorry" the consequenses would have been different I think
Quote from lucaf :imo 2wks ban is too much, but ofc revenge crashes no good idea.

About Gordon's move I have to say: I hate that kind of moves: when you enter a very tight corner from a very unnatural line that you would never use seriously, but in this case you do it just to put your nose in front of the car that is following the natural raceline. Nobody would do that IRL on track.

That phenomenon can be seen very often in South City races in t1 (or is it t2?) after the start there is always one genius who decides to follow the very inner line of the track until the apex, causing massive accident in the tight left.

Then Gordon in addition honked wich must have been amplified the provocation. If instead of honking he would have post a "sorry" the consequenses would have been different I think

^100% true. Overtaking like that in xrg is like kamikaze.
Revenge "crash" - give him 40+ grid penalty for next race instead of banning/dsq if it was his first time... he wont care about points untill he is not fighting for championship.
Quote from Mikus1212 :^100% true. Overtaking like that in xrg is like kamikaze.
Revenge "crash" - give him 40+ grid penalty for next race instead of banning/dsq if it was his first time... he wont care about points untill he is not fighting for championship.

Funny, you mean diffrent type of penaltyes, depend on a current place on overall standings ?

Are you kidding me ? Smile
-5 points is nothing, he will crash everyone every race.
And still gets -5 :DD
Quote from Mikus1212 :And still gets -5 :DD

it will increase my standings in the league Big grin (now im on pos 67 of 68, yeman being the last with -5 pts Big grin)

ok here is the traditional vid. I had several AS6 cams, choosed one and modded it a bit, dunno if it was the best...

#camfile AS6
Attached files
AS6.rar - 411 B - 505 views
BTW the next race will start very fun when 40 cars enter the first turns of FE2R...will we have some policy about cutting on grass there?

my suggestion for preventing t1 chaos: make custom grid and put long distances between grid slots. That way also the qualifying will have more importance.
This last race is not displayed in LFSWORLD online races history. Is there a bug in the system? I searched also online history for several racers that joined the race, didnt find any data for them either. I mean if the system doesnt handle full grids or smthing?
Please send me replay of that AS6 race, wanna check something in that crash situation.
Quote from Bila_KHS :It was a diffrent situation, there was a pit lane exit, and there is no room to go on outer side, you got only inner side, soo dont compare it

this link : as an example.
Gordon so6r gti racing day too many cars crash.
so6r gti night

1.50.03 -> Gordon hit the todor (and say sorry gordon) Lap 1
3.55.45 -> Gordon hit the justas ( can not say sorry ) Lap 3
4.39.79 -> Justas hit the (me) cimin ( can not say sorry )
7.29.95 -> Gordon hit the (me) cimin ( BESTTTTTTTTTT can not say sorry ) Lap 5
NOTE: Gordon made an accident in all the races I did not write. (KY1, AS6)

result: gordon too many hit,crash and pass people.
result2:we can not our own rule.(revange crash turn) be warned.

-sorry my bad english, have nice day.
Attached files
GG_SO6R.rar - 9.6 MB - 592 views
Quote from ataslfs24 :this link : as an example.
Gordon so6r gti racing day too many cars crash.
so6r gti night

1.50.03 -> Gordon hit the todor (and say sorry gordon) Lap 1
3.55.45 -> Gordon hit the justas ( can not say sorry ) Lap 3
4.39.79 -> Justas hit the (me) cimin ( can not say sorry )
7.29.95 -> Gordon hit the (me) cimin ( BESTTTTTTTTTT can not say sorry ) Lap 5
NOTE: Gordon made an accident in all the races I did not write. (KY1, AS6)

result: gordon too many hit,crash and pass people.
result2:we can not our own rule.(revange crash turn) be warned.

-sorry my bad english, have nice day.

Come on, chill out. If someone feels he has been a victim in an incident and dramatically made his/hers possibility to hold a position, he/she can always make a protest.

I believe main purpose of these events is to have fun and therefore just concentrate on your own racing to leave enough space for other racers not to cause any avoidable incidents. This will increase the overall fun factor.

South City is kind of most bad example to compare with when it comes to close racing without scratching some paint.

To repeat my message, Chill out and have fun Nod
How to have fun if there is somebody not respecting others? (dont know if this was the case, just asking)
Quote from ataslfs24 :this link : as an example.
Gordon so6r gti racing day too many cars crash.
so6r gti night

1.50.03 -> Gordon hit the todor (and say sorry gordon) Lap 1
3.55.45 -> Gordon hit the justas ( can not say sorry ) Lap 3
4.39.79 -> Justas hit the (me) cimin ( can not say sorry )
7.29.95 -> Gordon hit the (me) cimin ( BESTTTTTTTTTT can not say sorry ) Lap 5
NOTE: Gordon made an accident in all the races I did not write. (KY1, AS6)

result: gordon too many hit,crash and pass people.
result2:we can not our own rule.(revange crash turn) be warned.

-sorry my bad english, have nice day.

Your claim about our crash so6r is ridiculous.
You didnt see me, i didnt see you. It was just a race accident. I was on the narrowest path in 1th corner and you had a lot space , but you turned into me. See replay from "top" camera /
Hello guys

First of all, i'm aware of that the Host is currently down and unaviable - iam iam progress to repair this and before the race at 19:30 UTC everything should be ready!

Have fun today and try to earn as much points as you can !! Smile
Quote from _Gordon_ :
You didnt see me, i didnt see you. It was just a race accident. I was on the narrowest path in 1th corner and you had a lot space , but you turned into me. See replay from "top" camera /

Sorry if I am too curious of accidents where I am not involved myself, but sometimes I feel its not bad if some other gives his opinion, especially if there may be some misunderstanding. For me it seems you are talking on different issue. You talk about 1th corner and you say you didnt see him, when ciMin talks about last corner (7.29.95) where you tried to divebomb him and you saw him all the time. (imo I would call it still race accident - wich would had been easier to forget if a "sorry" had followed the hit but it hadn't)

Quote from ataslfs24 :
4.39.79 -> Justas hit the (me) cimin ( can not say sorry )
7.29.95 -> Gordon hit the (me) cimin ( BESTTTTTTTTTT can not say sorry ) Lap 5

That sucks :/ first you get hit by Justas, and couple of laps later by Gordon, in the same corner. And nobody says sorry.

In my opinion everybody should have the "sorry" binded to an easy key/button, a "sorry" and can save the other from unnecessary anger on race accidents that havent been caused by purpose.
FE2R *********

Sorry for my hazard pit exit, watched replay and maybe it wasn't nice for Lukas.

I watched also the crash fest after T1 and noticed we dont have a rule how to behaviour if you have many cars sideways in front of you - do you just wait until there is space to drive, or do you just rush through them like in demolition derby? The latter is faster method and maybe more popular, but would be nice if everyone could agree that we try to make it like in real life.
I don't want to be bad, but watch replay from start to first chicane from Gordon's view.
Remember - if you see something wrong, ugly, nasty - make a protest, and Race Director will investigate and take futher actions after investigation.

Last race was quite risky, everyone propably know that - We can't force everyone to be safe, focused and fine driver - there is some of us that want to be best of the best starting the race above top30 and wanting to overtake horde cars in just one turn.

Please be adviced - We will not have any more futher situations like this one, ive saw many times replay of T1 ane you, yes, iam talking to you - why you pushing full throttle when there is a disaster just in front of you ? like 9397 said - counting on Luck that there will glow path will show to you for safely pass ? LFS and Racing with big grids it's like Gandalf shit - if there is a pile up or big crash - you shall no pass..

In case of that, we will take actions on everyone in next race who will behave like shit, pig, and all bad stuff, pushing, throwing, everytime risky moves etc. The baddest penalty will be ban for 3 races, lowest will be some points.

Point is that - we need to behave like humans, not like an asholes and fk monkeys. We don't want to ruin our racing league just because someone want to make crashing festival of this.

Advice : don't drive like a 'without brain AI' and you will not earn ban or penalty points.

And there is more likely fun stuff.

First of all i want to create a sheet exel on google docs, of our erning points ( event with out standings what i'm doing in LFSPoints programm ) but like expr said, it should be nice and fun to see which amount of points you earner od every race )
Since ive opened sheet, and tryed to do stuff, it seems that iam not that good like ive expected - soo iam searching of any sould that will help me to make this sheet with rules and stuff to make this thing right and easy to read.

Second - We ( Me and Frass ) are still happy that you are like our league and you still participating in our races, we still trying to get more attention on sponsors, thansgiving to iCeleritas, he's putting much effort to make a new deals with sponsors and aiming more cash prizes in league.

Third - we want to get clean a fair racing with much of close fights - but a clear fights. Soo, please rething why we are all gathering in our Thursday events - with group we can be better on every race.

Cheeers Guys, and remember - we need to have fun with this!
Of course - there is one big thing to add.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

To our first Racing Girl [FU]Saphira managed to race with us!

Fragmaster's GTi Thursday
(554 posts, started )