Step 1: Enter SO1X.
Step 2: Make sure you're in follow view.
Step 3: Turn right out of pits, go all the way down the pit lane, then around to the back of the pits. Enter the closed off garage that can only be entered from the back.
Step 4: This happens:
The results depend on which car you use. The XFG seems to yield the best result.
While this screenshot was taken on Test Patch R9, I can confirm it happens on the official version as well.
I know that this is probably the game un-loading models that you can't see to save memory, but in chase view, you can still see them, but the game un-loads them anyway and... Well, glitchiness ensues.
Step 2: Make sure you're in follow view.
Step 3: Turn right out of pits, go all the way down the pit lane, then around to the back of the pits. Enter the closed off garage that can only be entered from the back.
Step 4: This happens:
The results depend on which car you use. The XFG seems to yield the best result.
While this screenshot was taken on Test Patch R9, I can confirm it happens on the official version as well.
I know that this is probably the game un-loading models that you can't see to save memory, but in chase view, you can still see them, but the game un-loads them anyway and... Well, glitchiness ensues.