The trouble is, you don't yet know the solutions or the correct way of working with the modified editor. Several very experienced layout editing people gave a lot of feedback during the development process. So all the points you mention have already been solved.
For the above point, you need to know the difference between O and CTRL+V.
O: Place a new object - it is not now selected.
CTRL+V (paste): Place a new object and keep it selected.
You can transition (toggle) between the above states by pressing CTRL+C (copy)
This is very useful because there is now a clear separation between the PGUP / PGDN keys either operating on the objects that have already been placed, or the objects in hand that have not yet been placed. Instead of both at the same time as it was in the old editor. Now you have the choice. It was very messy before, even if you got used to it.
You can : shift+u mode will allow to put a new object "start position".
Save the thing (a layout, .lyt file) that you can select when choosing the track.
Hi all i m new to game
happy new year thanks for the update
i hope we see in near future tire model update and force feedback update
other than that i m enjoy the game so far