Scawen do you know at what point lfs generally clips in regards to ffb? / at what point you get the most out of it on the software side.
Ie I run ffb at 100% ingame I can feel "tire direction", going forward the wheel changes ffb heavily when going to center while slaloming.
In a drift you can very distinctly feel when you've hit the point where the car will start to straighten. Kinda like a different ffb texture.
but with for example 25% ffb you don't feel this, though the strength kinda feels similar across the whole range.
At 60% the ffb gets heavier with more steering in a drift much more gradually/smooth giving a "round" feel
Ie I run ffb at 100% ingame I can feel "tire direction", going forward the wheel changes ffb heavily when going to center while slaloming.
In a drift you can very distinctly feel when you've hit the point where the car will start to straighten. Kinda like a different ffb texture.
but with for example 25% ffb you don't feel this, though the strength kinda feels similar across the whole range.
At 60% the ffb gets heavier with more steering in a drift much more gradually/smooth giving a "round" feel