Recently got into a relationship a couple weeks ago, doubt this is going to last.......couple of the signs are creeping in
EXAMPLE (1) - Having lunch last week, she was in a moany mood
Her- I hate my hair curly
Me-its fine
Her-Do you prefer my hair when its straight or curly
Me-Its looks nice either way, but probably a bit nicer straight
Her-Whats wrong with it when its curly
Me-nothing its fine
Her-Are you saying I'm ugly??
*Cue 10 mins of awkward silence*
We were getting ready to out on Friday (I say we, I was ready and around at hers waiting 2/3hours for her)
She comes downstairs, looking lovely, make-up on, all new clothes.
Being the observant gentleman that I am, I said "
That's a really nice new top".
To which the mind-boggling response was "
What's wrong with my trousers!"

Currently in a 2 hour mega strop because.....I would'nt allow her to put make up on me