(1051 posts, started )
As of 00.24 GMT, girls can **** off.

Manipulating bitches.
I say they should all just die.

Feck, I'll go as far as saying humanity should die.
If anyone on here no longer wants their girlfriend, then their girlfriend can have me as a replacement. As long as they are older then 16, since I'm 17.
Haha... W4H.. I can't give you my GF.. she's too young for you :P
He says "girls should die" .. but he has a girlfriend ?
So? I can still be upset at girls while still having a girlfriend.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :So? I can still be upset at girls while still having a girlfriend.

true... but not to all ...
Yeah, all girls are dumb.

Common fact, sorry all

In fact, I refer to a particular quote:
Quote :
<mancha> the ancient greeks believed the heart was the thinking organ
<mancha> of course, we know now they were wrong. it's the penis.
<DemisM> Mancha: What´s the female´s thinking organ?
<mancha> DenisM, exactly!

Quote from dawesdust_12 :So? I can still be upset at girls while still having a girlfriend.

No you can't. You can't associate all women together and generalize like that. Well, unless you're okay with making generalizations based on race and other things like that. Which I don't think you are.

Quote from dawesdust_12 :Yeah, all girls are dumb.

Well, my theory is that most females truly believe that they are inferior to males, although they aren't willing to admit it. Most women believe that there are certain things that men can do that women "shouldn't" do, and that men are supposed to act in a certain way, and they are supposed to act in another way and such. Really, women stereotype themselves and feel that they have to fit in and act like a "wife". Unfortunately, all the women who do not think like that are either lesbians or really old, married women.

And what bothers me is that most women seem to think that men must act in a certain way, and if they don't then they aren't a "real man". Also, I personally feel that most women don't actually love their boyfriends. (This only applies to heterosexual females, homosexual females tend to not act this way I think). They just go along with whatever the man tells them to do. In fact, it seems that if the male is not commanding and controlling enough, women do not want to go out with them. They tend to only want to be in a relationship with a man who will be controlling to some extent. I don't mean like "get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich, bitch", but like a more subtle, possibly sub-conscious kind of controlling. All the while they pretend that they are the one with the control while actually submitting to the male.
Quote from wheel4hummer :All the while they pretend that they are the one with the control while actually submitting to the male.

do you have any idea how easy it is to tell that youve never been married?
Quote from Shotglass :do you have any idea how easy it is to tell that youve never been married?

Well considering the fact that I said I'm 17, one would have to be a complete idiot to think that I have been married.
_I_ know a girl who is 15, car-mad, and loves rock music.....


Hands off, it's my daughter!

btw, when you get to your later stages of life, you will realise one BIG difference between cars and women...

Cars dont nag!
Quote from Bladerunner :_I_ know a girl who is 15, car-mad, and loves rock music.....


Hands off, it's my daughter!

btw, when you get to your later stages of life, you will realise one BIG difference between cars and women...

Cars dont nag!

Pics or it didn't happen!

One more year and it'll be legal..
Quote from sgt.flippy :Pics or it didn't happen!

Or it didn't happen? What didn't happen? The birth of his daughter? You want to see a picture of his daughter being birthed? lol
Quote from Bladerunner :_I_ know a girl who is 15, car-mad, and loves rock music.....

does she also enjoy candlelight dinners long walks on the beach and rambling on about immigrants?
Quote from Bladerunner :

btw, when you get to your later stages of life, you will realise one BIG difference between cars and women...

Cars dont nag!

But do have the ability to breakdown and weep for no apparent reason....
Quote from Bladerunner :_I_ know a girl who is 15, car-mad, and loves rock music.....


Hands off, it's my daughter!

btw, when you get to your later stages of life, you will realise one BIG difference between cars and women...

Cars dont nag!

You've raised her well!

Quote from Mackie The Staggie :But do have the ability to breakdown and weep for no apparent reason....

The girl i was into loved cars. She was a raver, into the alternative lifestyle, enjoyed her drugs etc.

She was great.

Then she got all bipolar on me and basically said she didnt want to know me, for it would be "easier" on me when she kills herself...

Quote from Klutch :Funfun.

but yeah, as much as i like that kinda stuff i think im going to stay very..very clear of it.
The girls that are into that seem to either be manic depressed, bipolar, suicidal, or everything above i found out >_>

yeah it is very dodgy, but it was fun to talk about. Said bird in Australia though is pretty level headed, like me a little bit weird but when she came over here this summer we got on like a house on fire right from the off, I hadn't seen her for 15 years (I'm 18 now, same as her), can't wait to see her again
Yeah, they SEEM level headed until you get close to them.
Quote from Shotglass :does she also enjoy candlelight dinners long walks on the beach and rambling on about immigrants?

Technically speaking, she IS an immigrant; She was born in France and we didnt move back to England until she was 2 years old... (So your feeble attempt at a 'dig' backfired, didn't it? )
Quote from Bladerunner :Technically speaking, she IS an immigrant; She was born in France and we didnt move back to England until she was 2 years old... (So your feeble attempt at a 'dig' backfired, didn't it? )

I still like her :P

Still want pics :P

I'm sad, I know

(1051 posts, started )