The online racing simulator
GT2 Challenge: Rules

GT2 Challenge - Rules

Attached are the rules for the GT2 Challenge. Please review them. The NDR Sporting Code is in effect with this series.

Season 2020 used GT2C_Rulebook.

Season 2021 used GT2C_Rulebook_Rev3 through Round 4. Round 5 on used GT2C_Rulebook_Rev4. Rev2 was the 2021 Pre-Season rulebook.
Attached files
GT2CRulebook.pdf - 79.4 KB - 424 views
GT2CRulebook_Rev2.pdf - 78.8 KB - 273 views
GT2CRulebook_Rev3.pdf - 80.6 KB - 162 views
GT2CRulebook_Rev4.pdf - 79.8 KB - 250 views
Revision 2 of the GT2 Challenge Rulebook posted.


Confirmations procedure changed. All entries are assumed yes. A Confirmations thread will still be posted, but you only have to confirm if you are NOT attending. From Round 2 on, all drivers in the Top 10 must still confirm a "Yes" in this thread to facilitate Pre-Qualifying planning.

A driver failing to declare his no-show up to 36 hours after event start will be removed from the series entry list, and must re-enter the series to participate further.

Pre-Qualifying is required for any driver not locked-in. Failure to set a time in pre-qualifying will result in no race weekend for that driver.

Points system adjusted to award points to 38th place.

TeamSpeak is now required for Free Practice, Qualifying, and the Race.
Revisions 3 and 4 of the GT2 Challenge Rulebook posted (Version 3 actually used for the first 4 rounds - I didn't realise until just now that I never posted them here, the differences are below)

Changes from V2 -> V3:

III.1 added mention of "Virtual Sefety Car"

Changed XII.2 form "A 10 point bonus will be awarded to a driver who starts each race of the season without a disqualification." to "A 5 point bonus will be awarded to each driver at each round he sets a lap in Pre-Qualifying"

Changes from V3 -> V4:

III.4 moved to III.5, a new III.4 was added, explicity prohibiting bumpdrafting in all sessions.

Removed V.2.a - blank numberplates are allowed now.

Changed IX.2.b - to include "or other stated speed at Race Director discretion), as well as change wording from "10 kph / 6 mph variance allowed" to "+/- 10 kph / 6 mph".

Removed IX.2.b.1 - Removed minimum penalty and specific target for speed violation.

Changed IX.2.d.2 - changed from "tried three times" to "tried up to three times"

Changed XII.2 from "at each round he sets a lap in Pre-Qualifying" to "at each round he participates in any session" - this is how this rule was enforced starting at Round 2, it is codified this way now.