The 2nd year of prize sponsored standings is finished and here are the results. But before those few figures for purely statistical purposes - this year a total of 103 drivers scored at least one point towards point standings,which is an increase by 20 when compared to previous year. 46 drivers managed to finish in top5 at least in one race (9 more than in 2019),10 of them crossed the finish line ahead of everyone else - that's one racewinner more than last year. Interestingly amount of multiple race winners decreased from 5 to 3 this year,one of them is a new one.
RTFR 2020 standings winner: S1DUS*GáboR
The hungarian driver started this year with his 1st RTFR race win in 2nd RTFR race of the year,had few good finishes here and there,but the last 1/3 of the year was where he actually scored a lot of points,clinching the standings win practically before the last scored race. Gábor scored 5 race wins,a total of 10 podium finishes and 14 top5 finishes. Last year he scored just 6 points with highest finish of 8th position and took 54th position in standings.
Last year's champion Botsi didn't join many races,but won 10 out of 11 he participated in,finishing 2nd in the other one - 3 more wins than last year. 3rd in standings is Merenui,who joined just first 18 races,where he scored 10 top5 finishes with 2nd as best single race result. Last year Merenui finished 12th in standings with half as many top5 finishes and 3rd as best result.
Fast is the only other multiple race winner - he won 3 races and took 5th position in final standings. The list of other race winners include Unite, R.Kardol, J.Katila, Spiky, Lacko and 2 drivers who joined only for a single RTFR race - Ardeee and Isaac Price. Another driver worth to mention is J.Pickard,who finished just in 4 races,all of them in 2nd place.
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2020 RTFR XL standings and stats spreadsheets
2020 RTFR XL standings and stats spreadsheets
Also the extra large version's year is completed with 12 races,where we experienced a returning champion,but again some statistical numbers first. 64 drivers scored at least a point towards standings,which is an increase of 8 compared to last year. 29 of them finished in top5 at least in one race - 3 more than last year,7 of them as racewinners - increase of 2 between years. The amount of multiple racewinners remain unchanged - again only 2 drivers could excel more than once.
RTFR XL 2020 standings winner: S1DUS*Botsi
Botsi started this year with 2 wins,did not attend next 5 rounds to return for next 5 rounds with another 3 wins and 2 different podium finishes - unlike last year's domination,this year it was barely enough to take the standings winner's honor again.
The organizer himself took the runner up position in standings,which is 1 poition better than last year,best results were 2nd place finishes and 2 additional top5 finishes. Michal finished 3rd in standings losing to 2nd position just on tiebreaker - he scored 5 top5 finishes with 4th as highest result. Last year Michal took 13th position in standings with 3rd as best result.
The 2nd multiple racewinner is Lacko,who took part only in the 2 races he won,that puts him 17th in standings. Other racewinners include 3 S1DUS drivers R.Kardol, Gábor and Fast,and also Upsas and Smashmolth. Michal is the only other driver besides 5-time winner Botsi,who finished in same top5 position more than twice - he took 3 5th place finishes during this season.
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With this the 2020 season regarding any additionally scored standings is over,but there is one more RTFR race left in 22nd december. As already announced,the race will be run on a somewhat custom racetrack,which yet to be decided,more details as always in sunday before the race. Regarding future plans - there is a chance the prize sponsorship will continue also next year,but further details are yet to be planned and announced. With or without it RTFR will run both versions also through next year (and most likely through years beyond until the bitter end) in same schedule - normal RTFR will start on 5th january and will run every 2nd tuesday,while RTFR XL will start on 26th january and will run every 4 weeks,with exeption of final race,which will be 6 weeks apart to put every race in different month.