The online racing simulator
#1 - Racon
PiranMOTO_Sweep - Local insim for building arcs of LYT objects


Sweep takes a group of up to 30 objects and places copies
rotated around a pivot point, step by step, in order to
make an arc with as much smoothness as is possible.


Pivot: select an object to act as the pivot point, then
click 'SET' on the pivot line. The object
coordinates will now be shown. Pivot coordinates
can be replaced at any time, and will be
retained if the pivot object is deleted.

Objects: select a group of objects to replicate, then
click 'SET' on the objects line. A count of the
objects will now be shown. Selected objects can
be replaced at any time, and will be retained if
the layout objects are deleted.

Step: set the size (amount of rotation) of each step
in the sweep. Shown as degrees, and as LYT
heading in brackets. Use +/- to
increase/decrease by 1, and ++/-- by 10.

Sweep: place the next step of the sweep with the
'PLACE' button. The sweep number displayed will
increment with each placement, and can be
manually adjusted or reset uing the
-/+/RESET buttons below it. The direction of
the sweep can be toggled with the 'CW'/'CCW'

Reset All: clears pivot and selected objects, resets
step to 1, sweep to 1, and direction to


Objects that have already been placed (overlapping a
complete circle, for instance) will be silently ignored.

If the original sweep objects have been deleted, they can
be recreated precisely by placing once with the sweep number
set to 0.

If you need to hide the panel, use shift-B to hide all insim
buttons. The top right corner button will remain visible,
and the panel can be reopened by clicking it.

Step and sweep can be changed during the sweep, but it is
important to note how they interact: each placement is
calculated from the orginal objects (in order to avoid
accumulating rounding errors), and so are rotated by the
amount shown by the step number multiplied by the sweep
number. Changing one value mid-sweep will require changing
the other to compensate, in order to continue the sweep from
the same place. Another way to cope with this scenario is to
replace the original objects with the last placed objects,
and resetting the sweep number - this will induce some
rounding error, but it will usually be an insignificant

(This program requires Visual C++Redistributable 2015 - if you don't have it installed, it is available here: ... oad/details.aspx?id=48145)
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