The online racing simulator
#1 - Racon
PiranMOTO_Translate - AI language translation (DeepL)
PiranMOTO Translate connects to your local LFS and uses DeepL's AI language translation to automatically translate chat in other languages to yours, and to translate your own chat into other languages.

You will need a DeepL API account. DeepL allows you to translate 500,000 characters for free each month with a free account, or charges EUR 20 per 1,000,000 characters for a paid account.

When running, any player text in a language other than your set language will be automatically identified and translated, and written to your local chat along with a language identifier.

*<FLYING ET : mi è scoppiata una gomma
IT: my tire blew out

To speak in another language, use the /o command to send your message to only your InSim. The first parameter should be the identifier of the target language, and the rest of the message will be translated. For example:

/o CS I can speak Czech, I learned it from a book

The text will be translated and sent to the server as you:

[PM] Jam 616: umím česky, naučil jsem se to z knihy

Have fun!

(This program requires Visual C++Redistributable 2015 - if you don't have it installed, it is available here:

- Create an account with (API type,

- Unzip files to a suitable directory

- Configure the PiranMOTO_Translate.cfg file with:
host - LFS IP
port - LFS port
adminpass - LFS admin password, if set
lfsname - LFS username
language - Your default language
apikey - DeepL API key
translateurl - DeepL translation URL (different URL is required for free/paid accounts)

- Run PiranMOTO_Translate.exe

- It's AI. The best description of its ability is Dlocky's "close but no". It is helpful, it is not perfect. (You can make it better by constructing your sentences carefully.)

- DeepL only counts characters that are translated. All input spoken by other players is sent for translation, but only the input which is detected to be a different language and translated is counted towards your use. Usage can be checked live at the DeepL website.

- PiranMOTO_Translate will keep track of text that produced no translation, and will ignore repetitions. The list is reset with every program start.

- Languages are limited by DeepL support and some character code issues. Please report any issues you encounter in a language listed as supported.

Known bugs:
- Sometimes a 'curl error' occurs (after many days of constant use). Restarting will resolve the issue.

Supported Languages by code:
CS Czech
DA Danish
DE German
EN English (British)
ES Spanish
ET Estonian
FI Finnish
FR French
HU Hungarian
IT Italian
LV Latvian
NL Dutch
PL Polish
PT Portuguese (European)
PT-BR Portuguese (Brazilian)
RO Romanian
SK Slovak
SL Slovenian

Partial support:
LT Lithuanian
SV Swedish
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