The online racing simulator
Restriction bug...
(1 post, started )
Restriction bug...
So in the recent days, I have been playing around with the voluntary intake restrictions in the XRR,
I was under the impression this was controlling and limiting the amount of air to the engine and decreasing the power based on that.. However having added some restriction it seems to be changing the upper limits of the suspension, bringing down the stiffness maximum limits as well as the damping etc, I'm sure this is not intentional if it is the case that it is intentional then it will still need some looking at, the actual setting of the stiffness or damping does not change regardless of the upper limit until you attempt to change the value.

I have provided a setup to explain my finding, go ahead and visit the suspension settings within the pit and try to increase any of the values and you will see they will in fact drop to the limit set by the restriction.
Attached files
XRR_wip2.set - 132 B - 416 views

Restriction bug...
(1 post, started )