The online racing simulator
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Quote from timdecnodder :page 3 i made myself, will be renamed when i get closer to actual release, it's a 1024x1024 png white image. my problem is i don't have any textures on my car named 525846~OC, it even gives a fault message when trying to load in texture with '~' in it's name.

Fixed it, never copy wheels from another car to new build, always load in new wheels.
Got a couple of issues:

Bug #1:
Server W51 seems unconfigured on
-No tracks
-No cars

General lack of functionality of server hosting
-"PPS" is not configurable via web and is lost after restart
-"Max guests" is not configurable via web and is lost after restart
-"Refuelling allowed" is not configurable via web and is lost after restart

Bug #2
Nobody can drive the BOYARE online. Not on TC, nowhere but single-player. I've setup a server with all mods allowed, but I cannot drive the BOYARE. All other mods work.
Quote from chucknorris :Got a couple of issues:

Bug #1:
Server W51 seems unconfigured on
-No tracks
-No cars

Bug #2
Nobody can drive the BOYARE online. Not on TC, nowhere but single-player. I've setup a server with all mods allowed, but I cannot drive the BOYARE. All other mods work.

These are fixed. Will have a look at the additional settings soon.
Quote from chucknorris :General lack of functionality of server hosting
-"PPS" is not configurable via web and is lost after restart
-"Max guests" is not configurable via web and is lost after restart
-"Refuelling allowed" is not configurable via web and is lost after restart

I added pps, allow refuel and show remote gauges.

About max guests, can you help me understand why that is needed? I mean, you pay for an amount of slots, but then you want to reduce that? I'm curious what a reason for that could be. Or did you just notice the option not being present?
for Scawen:
after each patch "Window while connecting" resets to "yes" but i set this flag to "no" every time. is this options is need? i mean what i start game in fullscreen mode, press "Display list of hosts" and go to windowed mode and when start joining to server game again goes to fullscreen mode. windowed mode need more GPU power than fullscreen mode because gpu must render game and desktop

for Victor:
i still need send layouts to server after each restart. maybe store cfg.txt and layouts folder for server and mount it to host?

after stop/start server ip was changed. is it normal? because i must reconfigure my insim app.
Quote from denis-takumi :for Victor:
i still need send layouts to server after each restart. maybe store cfg.txt and layouts folder for server and mount it to host?

after stop/start server ip was changed. is it normal? because i must reconfigure my insim app.

The IP and InSim port don't change. They _can_ change, but only if the game server is migrated to another machine, which doesn't normally happen. So I'm not sure why you saw the IP change tbh. Afaik your host wasn't migrated lately.

I fixed the layouts disappearing after a restart. Also added an option on the web panel to only remove a layout from the host, not both the host and your account which seemed a bit drastic.
First of all, thanks for the changes.

Quote from Victor :
About max guests, can you help me understand why that is needed? I mean, you pay for an amount of slots, but then you want to reduce that? I'm curious what a reason for that could be. Or did you just notice the option not being present?

Well, we'd need such a setting as we don't allow 48 players to connect, since only 40 can join the track at the same time. That means that 8 people are constantly moaning "race is full" while trying to join. And it's really frustrating if you're one of those.

So either Scawen gives us 48 players on track (which would certainly be more than appreciated, I think) or we have an option to limit the number of guests.
Quote from Victor :The IP and InSim port don't change. They _can_ change, but only if the game server is migrated to another machine, which doesn't normally happen. So I'm not sure why you saw the IP change tbh. Afaik your host wasn't migrated lately.

my prev ip was
my new ip is

it hapened

and i remember what i connect to my server via ssh, go to "screen", try restart insim, saw what the ip is changed, edit config, start insim normally
Quote from denis-takumi :
after each patch "Window while connecting" resets to "yes" but i set this flag to "no" every time. is this options is need? .

I suspect the option is there to be able to see the firewall window and update the rule.
I am not sure if it is the mod or the game but when i fall with the mini bike mod i fall under the map...
I think it may be mod related but also game related if it is because of the small tyres!
That mod is causing bug reports because it doesn't have a proper collision mesh. It's not a bug in the mods system. Please report it to the mod creator.
Quote from Lucas McFly :I suspect the option is there to be able to see the firewall window and update the rule.

Windows Firewall doesn't pop up for games anymore since Windows 7 or so, therefore that option resetting is just an annoying nuisance.
Quote from denis-takumi :for Scawen:
after each patch "Window while connecting" resets to "yes" but i set this flag to "no" every time. is this options is need? i mean what i start game in fullscreen mode, press "Display list of hosts" and go to windowed mode and when start joining to server game again goes to fullscreen mode.

I've also noticed this, bit annoying. Seems like an outdated option either way on modern Windows.
I updated my editor from W45 to W51, but ingame it shows W50. Is it just that the number was forgotten? Or is it something else?
Quote from Latvian Video :I updated my editor from W45 to W51, but ingame it shows W50. Is it just that the number was forgotten? Or is it something else?

Thanks. It is no problem.

I didn't actually forget to update the version number. I tried to check the appropriate file but Visual Studio played a nice little trick on me, so when I thought I opened the correct file, it opened the equivalent file from the public version. Funny one Microsoft! Big grin
Quote from Facu23 :It crashes everytime i enter a server with mods that i dont have installed since first update. I taught it was normal haha. Where can i find lfs logs?

Same here! I've just been going into pits immediately until the mod downloads aha
Quote from BeNoM :Same here! I've just been going into pits immediately until the mod downloads aha

Strange o.O I deleted some mods from mods/vehicle folder and downloaded them again and my game didn't crash.

Also for crash logs I have a .txt file in my gamefolder called "crash.txt" but I don't know if its from LFS or some 3rd party app I have like ( Discord Rich Presence, TCLights, TC Binds)
Quote from Scawen :But, I think, the steerer is not usually drawn in TV camera view, but is drawn in "wheels" view by default, or "follow" view. So I would expect this crash to happen after you changed view, but not immediately when joining the host?

I'd be interested if this was confirmed.

Quote from BeNoM :Same here! I've just been going into pits immediately until the mod downloads aha

Are you saying you have experienced crashes in the test patch but not reported them?

Guys, what do you think is the purpose of a test patch? Shrug

Please can you use the Windows Event Viewer, find the crash event and get the crash address and offset from there (also the timestamp of the faulting module so I can confirm exactly which version of LFS had the crash). I can often track it down to the line where it occurred and then the crash will never happen again. It's not mystical or magical, it's an error that needs fixing.

See Facu's post - that is the information I need:

Quote from superlame :Strange o.O I deleted some mods from mods/vehicle folder and downloaded them again and my game didn't crash.

Also for crash logs I have a .txt file in my gamefolder called "crash.txt" but I don't know if its from LFS or some 3rd party app I have like ( Discord Rich Presence, TCLights, TC Binds)

It is astonishing to hear that peopls have been experiencing crashes but not reporting them. Please look in the Windows Event Viewer as described above. Otherwise the crash is likely to remain.

No, crash.txt is nothing to do with LFS.
To be clear, this is the information I need that you can find in the Event Viewer.

Quote :Faulting application name: LFS.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x61a60e72
Faulting module name: LFS.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x61a60e72
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Offset Error: 0x00129928

This information is not just a random load of stupid numbers. It is vital information, it tells me that the line of code at location 0x00129928 (the offset) tried to reference some memory through an invalid pointer (the exception code). I have a map file stored for every LFS version released, so that I can use these numbers to track down crash bugs.

By the way, the Event Viewer stores these events for some time so you can get the required information days later.
I don't know who's fault this is, but some mods have no TC, but "TC off" sign is on when driving.
Attached images
Quote from Scawen :Please can you use the Windows Event Viewer, find the crash event and get the crash address and offset from there (also the timestamp of the faulting module so I can confirm exactly which version of LFS had the crash). I can often track it down to the line where it occurred and then the crash will never happen again. It's not mystical or magical, it's an error that needs fixing.

Faulting application name: LFS.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x61a60e72
Faulting module name: LFS.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x61a60e72
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00129928
Faulting process id: 0x17d0
Faulting application start time: 0x01d7e8350c9bf76f
Faulting application path: C:\Users\redacted\Desktop\LFS\LFS.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Users\redacted\Desktop\LFS\LFS.exe
Report Id: 37afac27-4cfe-437c-b308-4f85d59a7173
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:
Quote from Facu23 :Later this day i'm going to make some tests and hope to find a temporal solution. Are your saying that virtual steering wheel is causing lfs to crash?

Well I am saying that the crash appears to be when it will draw the virtual steering wheel. It's an incredibly simple fix for me to do (it took me about 5 seconds to type the fix after finding it and searching around for similar errors in other parts of the code).

The reason I mentioned the virtual steering gauge is that if you confirmed that the crash occurred only when you changed view, then that would be almost certain proof that this is indeed the fix.

My concern is that it didn't seem to exactly fit your description of the bug. You said it happened as soon as you join a server. But as far as I know, the "TV camera" view is enabled when you join a server, so the virtual steering gauge shouldn't be visible then.

Quote from Facu23 :Also, the mods download becomes incredibly slow after 21:00 gmt-3 (00:00 UTC). I have to wait at least 4 minutes for a mod to download, i sent some messages and it appears to be a common issue at least in south america

Well that is just bizarre for a few MB that should download in a few seconds. Even if it's a long way around the globe. I'll ask Victor if he can make any sense of that.

Quote from BeNoM :Faulting application name: LFS.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x61a60e72
Faulting module name: LFS.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x61a60e72
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00129928
Faulting process id: 0x17d0

Thank you for this, it is the same as reported by Facu23.
I have some LFS editor crash reports in my event log, I seem to have forgotten about them. I don't remember what I was doing that the time, but maybe it will help anyway.

Název chybující aplikace: LFS_EDITOR.exe, verze:, časové razítko: 0x6184120d
Název chybujícího modulu: ntdll.dll, verze: 10.0.19041.1288, časové razítko: 0x027db076
Kód výjimky: 0xc0000374
Posun chyby: 0x000e6c43
ID chybujícího procesu: 0x103c
Čas spuštění chybující aplikace: 0x01d7d26d3d73089d
Cesta k chybující aplikaci: D:\Hry\Live for Speed\LFS_EDITOR\LFS_EDITOR.exe
Cesta k chybujícímu modulu: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

Název chybující aplikace: LFS_EDITOR.exe, verze:, časové razítko: 0x6184120d
Název chybujícího modulu: LFS_EDITOR.exe, verze:, časové razítko: 0x6184120d
Kód výjimky: 0xc0000005
Posun chyby: 0x0016c8c5
ID chybujícího procesu: 0x3fd8
Čas spuštění chybující aplikace: 0x01d7d26ce9c52934
Cesta k chybující aplikaci: D:\Hry\Live for Speed\LFS_EDITOR\LFS_EDITOR.exe

Název chybující aplikace: LFS_EDITOR.exe, verze:, časové razítko: 0x6182e06e
Název chybujícího modulu: LFS_EDITOR.exe, verze:, časové razítko: 0x6182e06e
Kód výjimky: 0xc0000005
Posun chyby: 0x0016c625
ID chybujícího procesu: 0x8b0
Čas spuštění chybující aplikace: 0x01d7d109a37e461a
Cesta k chybující aplikaci: D:\Hry\Live for Speed\LFS_EDITOR\LFS_EDITOR.exe
Cesta k chybujícímu modulu: D:\Hry\Live for Speed\LFS_EDITOR\LFS_EDITOR.exe

This thread is closed

Cleanup - bugs fixed / problems solved
(405 posts, closed, started )