The online racing simulator
Mods System Bug Reports
(157 posts, started )
Ah yea, maybe that option should be on by default and off by opting in.

I'm still a bit confused as there are other similar cars with similar light or small wheels, and don't have that issue, such as

It's also a bit unlucky that I cannot test it single player before releasing it for multiplayer.

Edit: Other thought: Maybe the smoke effects could also be turned off for simple physics.
(chucknorris) DELETED by chucknorris : quoted by accident
I've came across another issue related to narrow cars.

It seems like when the track width is below a certain value (eg 800mm),
the cars are getting "sucked in" into objects.

I've made a short video showing the issue best:

Some findings from my tests:
- The main collision mesh seems not to be the cause, the wheels are
- Solid walls seem to work correctly, it's mostly thin objects like fences it's having problems with
- Making the track width >1000mm cures the problem (last scene in the video)

Would be great if this could be sorted, slim cars are popular Smile
Thanks for the reports.

For three issues, I've released a minor update, Test Patch D35.

Quote from henricat2006 :I don't know if it's the right place to report this bug, but depending on the position of the camera, the motorcycle's handlebars disappear, if you set it as a steering wheel, this doesn't happen.

FIX: Mudguard / handlebar / trailing arm remain visible if wheel is off screen

Quote from chucknorris :Ah yea, maybe that option should be on by default and off by opting in.

Misc option "Full physics for remote cars" is now enabled by default

Quote from chucknorris :I've came across another issue related to narrow cars.

It seems like when the track width is below a certain value (eg 800mm), the cars are getting "sucked in" into objects.

FIX: Narrow cars were sucked in if driven too close to fence or narrow barrier
The patch works like a charmSmile thanks
Greetings, I added a new configuration to the car and it didn't cause any problems when I started the game. But when I entered multiplayer, it was kicking some players from the game, and I removed this configuration from the game, now it does not. But how can I fix this configuration?

car name : YER6WORKS
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Quote from Rubbel_31 :But how can I fix this configuration?


Edit: Maybe try this...
Quote from Scawen :Maybe you can achieve the same results by either reducing the number of textures (e.g. by using cutouts on fewer, combined, texture pages) or reducing the number of different material settings in the 'cutout' mode?

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Are you using the newest version of the editor?

That is highly recommended.
Quote from akubosaan :?

Edit: Maybe try this...

yes i did it, i deleted the car interior for the fair version
Inside the website mod edit page, if you make a brand new mod and don't give it any descriptions. The "Save for later" button doesn't work properly. It returns this error for missing fields. Which doesn't make sense, if you want to write or fill this things later.

Quote :Array ( [aDescriptionShort] => A short description is required [aDescription] => A description is required [aScreenshot] => Provide screenshots of at least the front, rear and side views, an interior screenshot and at least one action screenshot. [aUsageLicense] => Invalid usage license type provided [aGrantLicense] => Invalid grant license type provided [aIpLicense] => Intellectual declaration is mandatory )

We're having problems with a car that is part of RandomCar series,seems like it was updated during yesterday's problems and now we're getting "Your vehicle is not known on this host" when joining.
The affected mod:
Thanks for the alert. A script had got stuck. Victor has restarted it so that problem should be fixed.
XRT MINI gives OOS - CAR when out of pit, cant be driven online it seems
Quote from turbofan :XRT MINI gives OOS - CAR when out of pit, cant be driven online it seems

XRT MINI creator here, for some reason I can use the mod on the server without issue, however if someone else attempts to use it, as already mentioned, they get OOS - CAR shortly after using the mod.

EDIT: Someone on the server managed to use it successfully, I'm not using any test patches and neither are they, maybe that's the main cause of the issue
(Your vehicle is not known on this host)
(Your vehicle is not known on this host)

what the hell is that I updated my mod again and again but still not fixed.
Anyone can halp me?
Quote from KaportaciApo :(Your vehicle is not known on this host)

what the hell is that I updated my mod again and again but still not fixed.
Anyone can halp me?

Have you checked your email?

Quote :Front spoke - Too many points
Front spoke - Too many triangles

If you use a hack to exceed the limits, then your mod will not be accepted.
Bug: Editor dash mapping gets darker in the game when used with custom colors
I'm working on a car which has different gauge colors in each car color (Tuttu The Dog's De Tolorato). I prepared my backing texture and putted it to main object. I binded gauges to m2 color slot. When gauge mapping named like "m2_speedo" or whatever, it looks good without problem, but after the extracting it to game folder with test mod in lfs button, in game it gets darker. But when i remove "m2_" prefix from the mapping name it fixes the problem (naturally this time it gets fixed color.)

Here is the photo when m2 prefix is added to mapping name:

And it shows in game like this:

When m2 prefix is removed from name:

And it shows in game like this when m2 prefix removed:
hi, i don't know if someone else has this issue, maybe it can be fixed then.

It happens really often and makes the game almost unplayable.
if someone exits the pits there is a second lag where even the steering wheel loses ffb which is weird because when you're drifting for example, you're already dead.
I'm not sure where to post, here or in the suggestions but I'm trying to update the drift vers of 400Z, I made a new body kit (in config 5) and a new lod2 for it (pic1), but when I press the button to export the mod for upload, it says that there is no lod2 (pic2). As i get it, it was cuz of the lod2 not in the main, but i cant put lod2 there cuz of the message of 32k limit(pic4), but for config 5 i have only 23k in main (pic3)...but still it not working Confused Confused Confused

And i remember that i was able to put lod2 in configs that exeeds 32k, cuz i have done it with all my other bodykits and lod2 for it, (i have different lod2 for each of config bodykit) and all others configs have more than 32k, and now i cant do that some reason for config that have less then 32k...Uh-hu
And i have a bunch of errors that i already fixed (pic2), there no errors in modeller and if I press on H it doesn't show any errors. Looks like some bug for me or I did something wrong?

Edit: i checked others mods and yes, i able to put lod2 in confings that have more then 32k, but i cant do that in my mod somereason.

P.S I have 0.7E5 version.
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Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :I'm not sure where to post, here or in the suggestions but I'm trying to update the drift vers of 400Z, I made a new body kit (in config 5) and a new lod2 for it (pic1), but when I press the button to export the mod for upload, it says that there is no lod2 (pic2). As i get it, it was cuz of the lod2 not in the main, but i cant put lod2 there cuz of the message of 32k limit(pic4), but for config 5 i have only 23k in main (pic3)...but still it not working Confused Confused Confused

And i remember that i was able to put lod2 in configs that exeeds 32k, cuz i have done it with all my other bodykits and lod2 for it, (i have different lod2 for each of config bodykit) and all others configs have fore than 32k, and now i cant do that some reason for config that have less then 32k...Uh-hu
And i have a bunch of errors that i already fixed (pic2), there no errors in modeller and if I press on H it doesn't show any errors. Looks like some bug for me or I did something wrong?

The way LOD2 works has changed recently, maybe you're falling a foul of this?

Quote from gu3st :The way LOD2 works has changed recently, maybe you're falling a foul of this?


I checked it and this doesn't explain why:

1. I able to put lod2 in confings that have more then 32k in some mods, but i cant do that in my mod somereason.

2. I have messages of errors that arleady fixed.

3. I cant add Lod2 (about 1k triangles) in duplication mesh of others lod2 or by merging subobject with new lod2 in main config that have only 24k.
That's a known issue when a mod is unpublished, but actually the ratings are not lost, they reappear when a new rating is made, as I have now done on your mod.

EDIT: This should now be fixed, though this is a difficult fix to verify, as I would have to catch a mod, that had visible ratings before being unpublished, that has been unpublished, then fixed by its author, and catch it to see that it still has visible ratings before anyone updates the ratings again. So for this one I'm just assuming the fix should work.
Curious if this is a bug or something purposeful, when a texture is placed on a triangle that passes through the axis center, it always seems to go crazy. once i move it left/right or divide it so it's separated at the middle it seems to fix it. I've battled this in the past and its annoying as I dont want to subdivide constantly to keep textures clean and nice. In the picture is the exact same mapping applied to one set of triangles separated in the middle, and one set of triangle that passes through the axis center.
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I can't really see from your image but it sounds like the auto mirroring system for mappings. It's the system that allows, for example, a small mapping to be applied to some triangles on one side of the object and then the related triangles on the other side will receive a flip of that same mapping (optionally with a different cutout).

That system can't work if a "reflectable" mapping is applied to a triangle that itself is on two sides of the object.

So you need to either:

- continue to use a reflectable mapping, then use triangles that are on one side or the other but not both. I think this can be done by using the yellow central points and triangle mirroring.


- continue to use triangles that cross from one side to the other but make sure the mapping is not reflectable. A mapping is marked as reflectable if all its points are on one side or the other. So maybe in your case you need to move the mapping near the centre so it straddles the centre line.

Hope that helps although it's possible I've misunderstood the situation.
Quote from Scawen :I can't really see from your image but it sounds like the auto mirroring system...

Oh, I understand perfectly, yes, that seems to be the issue. The second option was a quicker fix, thank you very much!

Mods System Bug Reports
(157 posts, started )