Hi Racers/Devs.
Recent testing the patch and editor and works fine!.
I just have some ideas or suggestions to improve the editor.
-For example add a floor texture instead of a gray floor.
-To be able to edit in Model Editor mode (e) parts of the car independently when selecting it. for example when we enter edit mode, we see thousands of points to be able to modify, making it a bit dizzy when editing.
-The idea is to select a headlight, a door, a roof, or some part of the car and that only shows the points of that mesh for example.
-Editing the points of the polygons while the rest of the points are displayed causes fatigue and confusion.
Post opened for anothers ideas
lfs revive with this mods support?? 
Recent testing the patch and editor and works fine!.
I just have some ideas or suggestions to improve the editor.
-For example add a floor texture instead of a gray floor.
-To be able to edit in Model Editor mode (e) parts of the car independently when selecting it. for example when we enter edit mode, we see thousands of points to be able to modify, making it a bit dizzy when editing.
-The idea is to select a headlight, a door, a roof, or some part of the car and that only shows the points of that mesh for example.
-Editing the points of the polygons while the rest of the points are displayed causes fatigue and confusion.
Post opened for anothers ideas