Cmon guy!
I dont wanna be cruel but that was 1of baddest LFS movies what I had ever seen..

WTF man, u need some serious help with ur movies
Ur cam angle was all the time same(even u did record from outside of car |_ o |_. And that angle was so shit.. for holy movie recording..
There some help..
1st. Get real version from progr Fraps (there was top of ur vid txt
2st. Ur picture level was shit so (LOOW FPS and bad video quality REALLY BAD).
3st. There wasnt nothing special !"NOTHING"! Just drifting around track(so intresting) And where was ur video edits..(well those arent so important but MAN

4st. I didnt saw was ur drifting good? Cause of bad cameraangle I didnt see much more than car moving left & right, but what I saw it was terrible (im not sure about this). "I hope even that was good"
5st. Those comments"texts" middle of video WTF man

Was that some NEWS or something..
BUT.. I fthat was ur 1st video its accebtable a little

Well I hope u learn something about my steep critique.. I just wanna tell u what to fix in next vid.. I understand if u have slow computer and u dont have money for new1 or soemthing BLABLABLA.. dont care, but try to fix all other mistakes on next vid If there will be that1 after this comment.

NAH sry man but I think this is close about truth
I think this was ur 1st movie(I hope

) cause my 1st isnt good too but I think it was better

U cant download anything right now cause Kamo quitted updating that moviespit site along time ago, but maybe someday in future there will be working host for 3 vids..
I quitted palying LFS so new vid arent coming DONT ASK..
I hope u dont take this message with bad attitude Im just trying help u guys!