The online racing simulator
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#28 - cuni
I've got it running but all the numbers are at 0. What scenarios does this companion works? I've tried offline and online(cruise) and all they show i 0.00. I did not do any lap offline, just stayed in the pits.
make sure you've got the outgauge port configured
#30 - cuni
Thanks, John, it's working correctly now
A few things needed to setup this automatically :

EDIT LFS\cfg.txt to -
OutGauge Mode 1
OutGauge Delay 1
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port 30000
OutGauge ID 0

Create shortcut to LFS.exe
shortcut name - LFS_insim29999
shortcut location - [YourFolderStructure]\LFS\

Create shortcut to LFS Companion.exe
shortcut name - LFS_Companion
shortcut location - [YourFolderStructure]\LFS\

Edit LFS_insim29999 shortcut target properties to - [YourFolderStructure]\LFS.exe /insim=29999

Create a StartLFS.bat batch file in [YourFolderStructure]\LFS\ with:

start "" "[YourFolderStructure]\LFS\LFS_insim29999.lnk"
sleep 1
start "" "[YourFolderStructure]\LFS\LFS_Companion.lnk"

Done, now you can start LFS and LFS companion, and you don't need to do the insim port manually.

To create a batch file:
-create new txt file
-edit name (make sure you have unticked "hide extensions for known files" in View->Options->View in windows)
-change name to StartLFS.bat
-right click StartLfs.bat, edit
-paste code above
-Save, CTRL-S
#31 - cuni
I keep getting multiple errors while racing online.
I've edited the interface, disabled some modules.
Image here

When the error occurs, lfs jumps to desktop.
🤯 TOP great app 😍♥️
Very good man
This app got a lot better since I first tried it. Now it's a must have I'd say.
  • Shift + U hides the UI, but it never comes back unless I do Shift + U again.
  • The application crashes frequently, without any apparent reason. I'll try to note the next crash and type it here.
  • When the app starts, it says "Permission denied, Password". Worth noting that for it to run properly, I run as Administrator.
  • Strobe doesn't seem to work. It would be nice to have "TC Lights" functionality built into the same app.
  • File -> Preferences does nothing for me.
My suggestion is that there needs to be clear distinction between own chat messages, others and tags.
Maybe adding a filter that lets us disable certain messages like connections and pits, a way of decluttering the window.
Right now it's hard to read the chat window because it doesn't even have any color distinctions.

Save previous chat log.
When the game is minimized, a sound notification that alerts when someone tags you in the chat or crashes into you (this would be helpful to prevent possible blockage of roads).

A minor suggestion is to improve the app's icon. Make it transparent and add some shadow if needed.

That's it for now. If I notice-come up with anything, I'll let you know.

Added some bugs noticed and a suggestion
Quote from ntelas :This app got a lot better since I first tried it. Now it's a must have I'd say.
  • Shift + U hides the UI, but it never comes back unless I do Shift + U again.
  • The application crashes frequently, without any apparent reason. I'll try to note the next crash and type it here.
  • When the app starts, it says "Permission denied, Password". Worth noting that for it to run properly, I run as Administrator.
  • Strobe doesn't seem to work. It would be nice to have "TC Lights" functionality built into the same app.
  • File -> Preferences does nothing for me.
My suggestion is that there needs to be clear distinction between own chat messages, others and tags.
Maybe adding a filter that lets us disable certain messages like connections and pits, a way of decluttering the window.
Right now it's hard to read the chat window because it doesn't even have any color distinctions.

Save previous chat log.
When the game is minimized, a sound notification that alerts when someone tags you in the chat or crashes into you (this would be helpful to prevent possible blockage of roads).

A minor suggestion is to improve the app's icon. Make it transparent and add some shadow if needed.

That's it for now. If I notice-come up with anything, I'll let you know.

Added some bugs noticed and a suggestion

I've been quite busy the last year. But I've noted all of your bugs and suggestion(s) in my Trello. Perhaps I'll get back to this app and make it stable enough so that it can be used without crashes. Thanks for letting me know!
Good Job , i will give it a try

I've been bugfixing the last couple of days. Enjoy!

- Revamped autoupdater module.
- Various bug fixes.
- Improved RC Helper input handler.
- RC Helper will always be displayed if menu displays are set to always.
- Improved application UI elements.
- Incorrect color mapping for fuel setting.
- Fuel button can now be clicked to output the remaining fuel.
- Reworked the strobe.
- Improved error handling.
- Strobe button in options can be right clicked to toggle siren.
- Fixed shift+u bug.
- Timers are stopped automatically when an error has occured.

Download Companion 3.6

I have reworked the autoupdate class, so if you're a version earlier than this one its not going to check for updates.
Very nice! Keen to try it out
Hello Racers. I have a new version with mostly bugfixes and a couple of new features.

- Logging for insim_messages have been rewritten.
- Logging for chat_messages have been rewritten.
- Added current car button to ui.
- Implemented mods api to display mod names.
- Added car names for original lfs cars.
- Improved customize-ui move and resize controls.
- Set name of application to LFS Companion.
- Improved input handlers.
- Arrow functions for customize_ui have been improved.
- Reworked the lapping system.
- Json will now automatically update if there are new json entries.
- Added distance tracking for session.
- Added distance tracking button is now customizable.

Download LFS Companion 3.7
I've re-designed various features, and changed the infrastructure of the application. I've had to strip out some features.
Most data is now saved in a local database.

There are some minor bugs i need to get to, but i figured i could release this one for others to use.

Download LFS Companion v4.0.0
#41 - uf1
Quote from kristofferandersen :I've re-designed various features, and changed the infrastructure of the application. I've had to strip out some features.
Most data is now saved in a local database.

There are some minor bugs i need to get to, but i figured i could release this one for others to use.

Download LFS Companion v4.0.0

hi kris Smile)
i had an issue like this
if i use my brake when this error appears ( s button).
how can i fix this issue kris?

good night Smile)
i fixed this. i did move abs too left 0 heheheh so it broke. reinstall lfs and script files, fixed.
Quote from uf1 :hi kris Smile)
i had an issue like this
if i use my brake when this error appears ( s button).
how can i fix this issue kris?

good night Smile)
i fixed this. i did move abs too left 0 heheheh so it broke. reinstall lfs and script files, fixed.

Ah yeah, that breaks it.
I should probably make a limit where users can't move buttons out of their screen.
- Adjusted default UI template.
- Added option for 'AutoLights' - this setting will automatically toggle fullbeam as you stop/start driving.
- Buttons can no longer be moved out of the button grid.
- Added option 'Display total fuel' - this setting will display the total amount of fuel (litres or percentage).
- Added titles for several buttons (Short description of what the button is).
- Fixed fuel warning not working.
- Several other minor fixes.
- Fixed LFS API not loading properly on InSimLoad.

Download LFS Companion v4.1.19
- InSim no longer stops working if you disconnect from a server.
- InSim no longer has issues if you start it from the main menu of LFS.

Download LFS Companion v4.2.12
- Implemented Auto Updater for the insim. It automatically downloads and installs the new version.
- Implemented an updater for the AutoUpdater. Same process.

Download LFS Companion v4.2.36
LFS Companion v4.3.0
- Message Panel search filter is no longer case sensitive
- The button customizer can now be moved vertically. Cannot be resized
- Added pitlane limiter button - this button will become visible when the pitspeed limiter is active
- Fixed LONG_DATE_TIME variable not displaying the correct timezone
- Fixed api data sometimes not loading on INSIM_START
- Fixed PitSpeed button not saving position values properly
- Improved REST_API fetch method
- Refactored AutoLights mechanics, they will now be on permanently
- Refactored close buttons, they are now next to the window title displayed as "×"

Download LFS Companion v4.3.0
Hi, just wanted to say thanks for cosntantly updating and developing the app, great job! Smile

One minor thing I was thinking about: could we have an RPM-widget that has both the colored bar (as in Modern) and the actual value (as in Classic) displayed as well?
Quote from MandulAA :Hi, just wanted to say thanks for cosntantly updating and developing the app, great job! Smile

One minor thing I was thinking about: could we have an RPM-widget that has both the colored bar (as in Modern) and the actual value (as in Classic) displayed as well?

Thank you Mandula, I appreciate that.

I've received that suggestion a few times before, I just never saw the value in having a label with the actual rpm value in addition to an rpm_meter. I can clearly see that it is wanted, so I'll get that done in the next update.
Quote from MandulAA :Hi, just wanted to say thanks for cosntantly updating and developing the app, great job! Smile

One minor thing I was thinking about: could we have an RPM-widget that has both the colored bar (as in Modern) and the actual value (as in Classic) displayed as well?

I won't release this version yet, but i ended up with this.
See external video clip

EDIT: I'm open to changes.
Nice addon, love it. Thanks!