I have quite mixed feelings about new sounds. It's a promising step forward, but still there's much to be done.
- Engine sounds are quite similar and this boooooing soind is qiute irritating, especially in the less powerful cars. Even my car (11 year old cranky 80HP tank), when revved, roars quite a lot. LFS cars booo all the time. Reducing bass of your speakers helps a bit.
- Skid sound is way too quiet, even when maxed in options.
- Also i don't expect loud racing gearboxes in FR, TBO and LRF cars. So why they scream like hell then?
Gerbox, FOX and XRR sound are very nice, but BF1 sounds like vacuum cleaner.
I totally agree with Orion - we need roaarararrrrr, not booo

I expect more violent sound in the future patches.
Anyway, thumbs up, Scawen