Quote from rik97 :I did a reinstall of the app, but now when I want to open it I get an error. I see its the same as TimDC, any suggestions?

2 things to try. Make sure admin pw is same to lfs pw.
Open task manager and end task LFS Insim detect / radar + Live racing informations.

Open lfs and type /insim 29999 and try to reopen program Smile
Also getting the same 'exit' is not defined Python fault and Detect will not run. My D&M log is complaining about CarsInfos:

2023-02-20 12:05:48,460 - INFO - [Detect&Monitor6.py:528 - StartInsim()] LFS version - KO
2023-02-20 12:05:48,461 - ERROR - [Detect&Monitor6.py:72 - log_exception()] CarsInfos: (None, None, None) - (<class 'NameError'>, NameError("name 'exit' is not defined"), <traceback object at 0x00000283A22F17C0>)
NoneType: None
according to me, (my recent discuss about)
i think the reason why is the fact re-implement each data adress each time a new D-version is extremely time-eater ! so Kingofice wait for a big and solid Version od D evolution

i also think that is perhaps the reason why Lazy creator stop to follow the evolution at 0.6

my monitor is working since i downgrade and stay on 0.7D
you can create a second LFS.exe with a working version and an another to follow the D-version ;-)
Yet another observation regarding hotlapping

the speed and time diff works from the s/f line which is awesome, but first hotlap doesn't save as a PB.

Also been noticing the app getting the car you're in wrong, not sure what causes it, but i think it's somewhat related with telepitting?
It's very noticable on servers like the AA multiclass for example.

Perhaps something to think about when eventually making the update for the new LFS version Smile
OK, thanks for your feedback. Added in my to do liste.
Having potential best refreshed at every sector instead for every lap would be great!
depending of the kind of track i think, if layout : no insim detector in many case, and so refresh is over
Quote from gernoff :Also getting the same 'exit' is not defined Python fault and Detect will not run. My D&M log is complaining about CarsInfos:

2023-02-20 12:05:48,460 - INFO - [Detect&Monitor6.py:528 - StartInsim()] LFS version - KO
2023-02-20 12:05:48,461 - ERROR - [Detect&Monitor6.py:72 - log_exception()] CarsInfos: (None, None, None) - (<class 'NameError'>, NameError("name 'exit' is not defined"), <traceback object at 0x00000283A22F17C0>)
NoneType: None

I am having the same issue. The program starts, but then hangs and i have to close it. In LFS it starts and closes she port repeatedly.
did you read the answer (just below your quoted message)...
I did, but i did not understand what do you mean.

You suggest creating two "LFS.exe" in one folder, one of which is made to be launched with the DaM program? Or what did you mean by that? I'm not sure.
you can have 2 (or more) differents .exe of LFS on the same folder

with differents names. it works

or create a new folder with a different LFS version in (name your folder in explicit name like "LFS DM" if you want.

the LFS version wich is worlking actually with D&M is 0.7D

see my attached screen : i have 3 LFS versions under the same folder
one is to read old mpr (0.7 abk .. do not remember exactly when used lol)
one is updated at D6 (0.7D6)
one is working with D&M (LFS.exe = O.7D)
Attached images
Quote from Tomfuel :depending of the kind of track i think, if layout : no insim detector in many case, and so refresh is over

Well having layout to work would be A MA ZING (lazy was impressive with that)...
But having potential best refreshed at every sector on official tracks would be a great addition and less coding headache. I mean you do your best ever Sector1 and crash or quit in sector3, currently it will not show.
Hello pilots!
I haven't had much time for the app lately but I'll try to get back to it.
Small survey please: Scawen having implemented the engine damage and the gearbox speeds in the incoming version, it seems to me a good opportunity to stop the memory reading, very constraining, to go back to full "insim".
The impacts would be :
+ compatible with any new version of LFS (except big update to come if insim modifications are necessary on the tire information side !?)
+ no more time wasting or waiting for each version
- disappearance of "engine damage", "gearbox speed" and "tire thickness" I think

Well engine damage and gearbox speed are no longer needed. To me I would sacrifice tire thickness (we will guess it in F9 like in the past) to have a full insim version working with test patches or whatever version.

Or best of both world go insim and if version of LFS is supported show tire thickness, but do not crash if wrong version! Might be a bit too much "Usine a gaz"...
tire thickness is very nice to have, but if it means better compatibility and easier woek for you on the app, i think we can manage without it.

would split prediction and all that be affected in any way?
Please keep the tires thickness. Best feature/addon for lfs
"Tyre thickness info" is not a really realistic way to drive our racing simulation i mean
you loose the stress and adrenalin to make a bet on it during Enduro races
Having int interesting test patches without detect monitor is a pain too...
one issue i noticed is that the app doesn't use correct colours for tyre temp if using different compounds between front and rear axle
I have this problem when opening the program:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Detect&Monitor6.py", line 2909, in <module>
File "Detect&Monitor6.py", line 2904, in main
File "Detect&Monitor6.py", line 2145, in __init__
File "Detect&Monitor6.py", line 529, in StartInsim
NameError: name 'exit' is not defined
Quote from Sputix1 :I have this problem when opening the program:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Detect&Monitor6.py", line 2909, in <module>
File "Detect&Monitor6.py", line 2904, in main
File "Detect&Monitor6.py", line 2145, in __init__
File "Detect&Monitor6.py", line 529, in StartInsim
NameError: name 'exit' is not defined

same here!
any clue on how to solve this?
Quote from buck77 :same here!
any clue on how to solve this?

2 things to try.

1. Make sure admin pw is same to lfs pw. (start new host, admin password)
2. Open task manager and end task LFS Insim detect / radar + Live racing informations.

Open lfs again and type /insim 29999 and try to reopen program Cool
nope... didn't work at all. but thank you anyways! Wink
Use 0.7D
Is this open source or any kind of api available?