Who are the real whores of LFS
(54 posts, started )
#26 - Gunn
Quote from Chris_Kerry :
Does anyone actually drag!?

I've never been to the drag track in LFS.

50 000+ for me since S1 was released. God only knows how much pre-S1. Not an oval racer.
Quote from th84 :LOL! I was editing my post as you were posting. lol

Great minds think alike.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#28 - th84
Well then Chris......If that's the case..... your in big trouble.

Over half of annabelle's lap's were done on the oval. I would consider her a "oval racer". I have almost 4000 total lap's on the oval... am I a "oval racer" too?

Quote from hewhosnameistaken :whenever I put the wheel on my desk she goes to bed!

I know that message all to well.
Quote from th84 :Well then Chris......If that's the case..... your in big trouble.

Had I better start packing my bags in preparation for a life in the doldrums?
/me puts on fur jacket n pimp glasses

Travelled distance:105910
MlFuel burnt:45293 Ltr
Hosts joined:3238
Races won:1718
Pole Positions:147
Drags / Wins:161 / 21

And id estimate ive done another 20,000 at least which have been single player or hotlapping or LAN , or after race practising.

plus 9 months of SOLID S1 demo driving

/me takes off pimp jacket and puts on Racing helmet

Oh and not much oval at all, steering car in one driection is sorta ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz after 1 lap
Quote from Chris_Kerry :Does anyone actually drag!?

Drags / Wins: 498 / 109

Got to test the drag sets somehow.

(the wins ratio would be much better, if there was anyone to drag against in S2)
Is there a way to tell your mileage over time? That would be cool.
Only thought if this a short while ago, and as you can see there's not many points to my manual graph
Would be interesting to see the change in rate over time
Attached images
Quote from P1lot :Is there a way to tell your mileage over time? That would be cool.
Only thought if this a short while ago, and as you can see there's not many points to my manual graph
Would be interesting to see the change in rate over time

Total stats:
Travelled distance: 97813 Km (61133 mi)
Fuel burnt: 20362 Ltr
Laps: 24789
Hosts joined: 1776
Races won: 1227 (just a bit over half of all finished races )
Second: 576
Third: 270
Finished: 2443 ( 1st+2nd+3rd = 2073 ... in almost 85% of finished races I stood on the podium )
Qualifications: 202
Pole Positions: 108
Drags / Wins: 5 / 4

But I'm only a little alien

p.s. only 211 laps on the oval...

Just so you see I am not a whore Kev

Total stats:
Travelled distance:55631 Ml
Fuel burnt:18534 Ltr
Hosts joined:1303
Races won:1229
Pole Positions:117
Drags / Wins:70 / 2

+1 for the graph over time

(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
I am not a LFS Whore. I am just everybody who is faster than me Biatch
You should also take care of the time needed for the travelled distance...

If someone plays LFS for 3 years with 50 000 miles it's lesser than someone playing LFS for 1 year with 25 000 miles

50 000 / 1095 = 45,66 miles / day
25 000 / 365 = 68,49 miles / day

Quote from zeugnimod : Thinking really hard, but who would have such a stupid ending to a nickname? illepall

(~40.000 of them were with kb ; what do you say now? )

that more people play LFS with keyboard than with wheel?
Or that less people can afford a wheel
Sorry, but I dont get your logic there, lol.

Both sentences are wrong, I guess, 80+% of LFS S2 racers have a wheel.

Btw, I did the 55.000 miles from January 2005, Sparkydave joined May 2003, so Im the bigger whore.
Quote from zeugnimod :Btw, I did the 55.000 miles from January 2005, Sparkydave joined May 2003, so Im the bigger whore.

61000 km (~38000 miles) here since S2 was released.. which is 3 times more than I did with my RL car

Z you're always the biggest whore
Travelled distance: 67607 Ml
Fuel burnt: 34125 Ltr
Laps: 29829
Hosts joined: 1828
Races won: 1454
Second: 730
Third: 474
Finished: 3517
Qualifications: 187
Pole Positions: 74
Drags / Wins: 122 / 14

Oval Laps: 1086 (3.6% of total laps)

I love ovals, especially after racing oval karts for 13 years.

Started online March 1, 2004. Thats 891 days. Thats 75.88 miles per day, 3.95 races per day, 1.63 wins per day, and I didn't race every day. illepall
63334 Ml
Fuel burnt:34451 Ltr
Hosts joined:2078
Races won:182
Pole Positions:31
Drags / Wins:286 / 45
Oval laps = about 1300 - 1400 in all cars.
Heh, I'm still n00b:

Total stats:
Travelled distance: 50210 Km
Fuel burnt: 34947 Ltr
Laps: 8034
Hosts joined: 454
Races won: 286
Second: 206
Third: 120
Finished: 1000
Qualifications: 58
Pole Positions: 27
Drags / Wins: 0 / 0
Something got my attention there:

alland's stats:
63334 Ml
Fuel burnt:34451 Ltr

Hyperactive's stats:
Travelled distance: 50210 Km
Fuel burnt: 34947 Ltr
Laps: 8034

Shame on you. You have 3 times less laps and also much less miles and already more fuel burnt. Drive more economically.
Crap im 46th on 83000 miles, i must get out more
I seem to be considerably less experienced than everyone (almost atleast) here

Travelled distance:19969 Miles
Fuel burnt:13664
Hosts joined:490

I'm surprised I win at all
Quote from zeugnimod :Something got my attention there:

alland's stats:
63334 Ml
Fuel burnt:34451 Ltr

Hyperactive's stats:
Travelled distance: 50210 Km
Fuel burnt: 34947 Ltr
Laps: 8034

Shame on you. You have 3 times less laps and also much less miles and already more fuel burnt. Drive more economically.

I like big engines (and fuel tanks)
Can you see millage per day ?
i always like to look at LFS desktop to see mileage driven that day,but often the racing last's past midnight ,and the stats are reset for the day !
Is there any way to view the mileage from past day's?
Quote from zeugnimod :Something got my attention there:

alland's stats:
63334 Ml
Fuel burnt:34451 Ltr

Hyperactive's stats:
Travelled distance: 50210 Km
Fuel burnt: 34947 Ltr
Laps: 8034

Shame on you. You have 3 times less laps and also much less miles and already more fuel burnt. Drive more economically.

In kilometers, my distance is exactly double of his !! (100.500 km)

In Denmark we shoot people which spill the resources of the earth.
i'm still working on finding a good server, that's y i haven't finished as much as i've joined.

Total stats:
Travelled distance: 4856 Ml
Fuel burnt: 4745 Ltr
Laps: 1534
Hosts joined: 823
Races won: 13
Second: 6
Third: 26
Finished: 158
Qualifications: 7
Pole Positions: 0
Drags / Wins: 119 / 19

i suck.