The online racing simulator
Race Green Westhill Tourist Trophy 2022 - information and discussions

After 3 years racing cars around public roads track named Westschleife,it's time to give the chance all the motorcycle riders show their skill - Race Green Events will present it's first ever event using 2-wheeled wehicles! Since the bikes are pretty much new to LFS,we will keep the format quite simple for the first try and instead of mass start race this will be a time trial race - every rider will race against clock in order to set best time on the course and beat rivals indirectly.

The Westschleife track has been simplified as bikes have really big trouble dealing with the slow turns - for this event there will be an 11.19 kilometers long track (from time trial starting point to finish line),featuring a very fast course with partially blind elevating curves and some tricky turns,few chicanes were unavoidable though. For the first ever motorcycle event we'll simply allow all publically available motorcycles without any restrictions - it's all about riders skill again,as powerful bikes are really difficult to handle,drastically increasing the chances of falling,while slower bikes are less risky and it's much more possible to finish the distance without scratching bodywork.

We present this event as a big unknown,as there has not been such event in LFS before! The organization can just wildly guess the best course laptimes being under 5 minutes. Also we have no tips about fuel requirement for the distance or setups - it's all up to riders to find this out. Since it's quite easy to fall down when riding a bike,organization will help drivers to complete the track with an insim app (kindly made and configured by Jam) - there will be a command to put the bike up on it's wheels and even turn 90° in case stuck against wall,the default LFS vehicke reset will not be allowed during official phase of the event as it also repairs the bike.

Sunday,10th July
16:30 UTC / 18:30 CET - start of 3 hours open track time trial mode
19:30 UTC / 21:30 CET - end of session,no new runs can be started,all riders on track can still finish their runs
* the shown CET time is current (summer) time - if not residing in CET time zone,always refer to UTC for correct time zone convertion!

Guidelines during the event:
* Server will be password protected and password will be posted in this thread. No signups required.
* Riders will be allowed to start their runs with approx. 30 seconds gap.
* At the start of the session all riders will be called out in connections order,after the order has been complete,riders have to request a run by clicking on host's name (Race Green Events) in connections list and type "requesting a run". Riders will be queued in requests order and administration will allow them to join track,riders will have approx. 10 seconds time to join.
* There is no limit how many runs a rider can take,however it can be limited by amount of other participants and their run requests.
* In case a faster rider has cought a slower one,the slower rider has to act similary as under blue flag - rider may not block an overtaking attempt,while faster rider has to pass in safe manner.
* In case of a fall,riders can put up the bike on wheels with command ";flip" (semicole+flip),there will be 2 seconds delay between command has been typed and executed. An additional command ";turn" (semicole+turn) will turn the bike 90° to the left direction. Note that commands are available only when the bike is stationary!
* There are no restrictions in bike or it's setup usage,however slick tyres are strongly suggested. In final results rider will be scored with best time of the session and the bike the time was set with.
* It is expected riders are familiar with the track and the bike they have selected,make sure you have at least some practice before the event.
* As per standard LFS rules,touching movable objects will add 2 seconds penalty,false start - 30 seconds penalty. These penalties will have affect the result of the run.

* In case a faster rider has cought a slower one,the slower rider has to act similary as under blue flag - rider may not block an overtaking attempt,while faster rider has to pass in safe manner.
* It is forbidden to change name during event - participants should select their name (the one you usually use and wish to be identified with) before start of the event.
* Absolutelly no stopping on track - if for some reason a rider cannot continue his run,spectate and request a new run when it's possible again.

Other info:
*Event server - server is online,is set in practice mode with pratice layout (no time trial start) and has an Airio for laptime tracking (due hexadecimal code,most mods laptimes cannot be shown on simple !top table). Airio can spectate connections with very high and unstable ping for safety reasons (stable connections even from Australia should not be affected). Server will be open for public use until event day. For private practice feel free to use the attached layout. Server link (click2join): Race Green Events
*Event will be held using the latest stable version of LFS (currently 0.7D),compatible older versions are tolerated.
*All information here can be changed,if so,notification will be posted about changes.
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WE1Y_RGE Westschleifenring 2022.lyt - 14.5 KB - 311 views
I'll be there! - BadmanTru
Looking forward to this!
Server is now password protected!
Server name: Race Green Events
Password: OneWheelDrive

The helping app is also activated,use these commands if required:
;flip - put your bike back on it's wheels
;turn - turn your bike 90° leftwards (in case stuck against wall)
(Standard vehicle reset will be deactivated 1h before start of the event)
Event's MPR file attached. Seems like something wrong with timing as some times are missing (possible due mods or change of bike). Still the best time will count in official final results.
Edit: After checking whole replay,no results were missing from ingame results table,it was just my lack of awareness as I was busy with starters release and some drivers kinda running but never finishing a run.
Attached files
RGWTT2022.mpr - 13.3 MB - 225 views
Official results

4 weeks after the torturing 300 kilometer race,also a pack of bike riders made the support roads of Westhill raceway unsafe - riding on relativelly powerful 2-wheeled machines with very low weight gives the chance to reach high speeds quickly,some of them were exceeding 300 kilometers per hour mark. But having just 2 contact patches to the ground in size of a tennis ball made these machines rather slow in turns - that is a well known trait of motorcycles and also this is where the skill of riders comes in the play. Since the addition of bikes in LFS is rather new,not many have evolved their skills good enough to finish this tricky 11 kilometer course without falling,hence there was not much competition for win.

The lithuanian Simox was the one to beat in this event - first he tried his own built Chimera,but later switched to the MotoGP-like NTZ,with which he set the best time of the whole event,just under 4 minutes and 40 seconds,averaging speed through the course of just below 145km/h. His Chimera time was also the best from all trying this bike,but just a small bit slower than event's 2nd place owners time - a rider naming himself by well known south african business man Elon Musk. Also he rode the NTZ during his best attempt,just like the 3rd place finisher Foch.

Just 5 different bikes reached the finish line of a run - there were few tries with few others,but none of them rode full 11.19 kilometers to get in the finishers list. A total of 12 riders are scored in race results as they completed the course at least once,while there were 2 others who were not successful. Between the less successful bikes were the older MotoGP type bike TSR500 (fastest was 4th place finisher Badmantru),superbike class Vulcan (12th place) and a simple 150cc road motorcycle Mosquito. The trend was quite clear - despite not having an evolved riding skill,most participants opted for powerful machines and spent a lot of time getting up from falls instead taking something slower and simpler to complete the course without falling.

With this the new very experimental event is concluded. It is very likely that we will try a 2nd edition of this event next year (probably around 3-4 weeks after the traditional Westschleife event again) and the first ideas for it is to keep time trial format,but run 2 laps instead a single circle,allowing rather superbike class machines and other road legal 2-wheeled motorcycles,but ban the full race spec bikes like MotoGP class machines. This is of course subject to change as we have almost 1 year to plan things out - it depends of the input of participants.

Race Green Events thanks all riders for participation and guys behind the scenes for their input and efforts - voluntary testers and modders. As always everyone is welcome to share their experience from the event,either in form of text,pictures or videos! Also (even if that rarely happens) - we're awaiting winner's speach!
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