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Season Details of : SPRINT Cup 2024

SPRINT Cup 2024
5 two-leg rounds, and a different combo each Monday!


CESAV Sprint Cup'24 Round 1/5

Nr. Type Duration Track Cars Seats Start Time
1 Practice 45 minutes Fern Bay Custom Config UFR 64
2 Race 19 laps Fern Bay Custom Config UFR 64
3 Race 19 laps Fern Bay Custom Config UFR 64

CESAV Sprint Cup'24 Round 2/5

Nr. Type Duration Track Cars Seats Start Time
1 Practice 45 minutes Westhill National Rev XRT 64
2 Race 14 laps Westhill National Rev XRT 64
3 Race 14 laps Westhill National Rev XRT 64

CESAV Sprint Cup'24 Round 3/5

Nr. Type Duration Track Cars Seats Start Time
1 Practice 45 minutes Aston Custom Config BET6 64
2 Race 14 laps Aston Custom Config BET6 64
3 Race 14 laps Aston Custom Config BET6 64

CESAV Sprint Cup'24 Round 4/5

Nr. Type Duration Track Cars Seats Start Time
1 Practice 45 minutes South City City Long RLT7 64
2 Race 15 laps South City City Long RLT7 64
3 Race 15 laps South City City Long RLT7 64

CESAV Sprint Cup'24 Round 5/5

Nr. Type Duration Track Cars Seats Start Time
1 Practice 45 minutes Fern Bay Gold IMPB 64
2 Race 15 laps Fern Bay Gold IMPB 64
3 Race 15 laps Fern Bay Gold IMPB 64