The online racing simulator

Season Details of : Summer Tour 2024

Summer Tour 2024
Check the Riton sending the Lemon Culte on the 3rd dimension this summer on the french fields!
signups on , pick "the summer tour" on the rolling menu on the top right of the main page, new account need to be activated by me (Kova.) so don't hesitate to message me.


Round 1 - BL RX

Nr. Type Duration Track Cars Seats Start Time
1 Race 5 laps Blackwood Custom Config LEMC 40
2 Race 5 laps Blackwood Custom Config LEMC 40
3 Race 6 laps Blackwood Custom Config LEMC 40
4 Race 6 laps Blackwood Custom Config LEMC 40
5 Race 7 laps Blackwood Custom Config LEMC 40

Round 2 - Mini Indi

Nr. Type Duration Track Cars Seats Start Time
1 Race 22 laps Blackwood Custom Config LEMC 40
2 Race 22 laps Blackwood Custom Config LEMC 40

Round 3 - Bourg de Westhill

Nr. Type Duration Track Cars Seats Start Time
1 Race 5 laps Westhill Custom Config LEMC 40
2 Race 5 laps Westhill Custom Config LEMC 40