Dear LFS Community,
Due to the success of the last couple of events, we once again have decided to run an endurance race, our fifth event of that type, after the end of Cityliga 22!
Conveniently, a new track was released at the start of the year with Rockingham finally being made available to us all. So what would be more fitting than running an endurance race there. Just as last time, we will run an 8 hour long race, with GT2 cars, around a slightly modified version of the Rockingham International [RO7x] circuit that bypasses the oval T1 chicane, to make sure we have a safer pit exit. For a change, the first of this year's endurance races will also take place on a Sunday for the first time, with the start time adjusted accordingly to make sure people don't fall asleep when they're at work the following day. All teams and drivers are welcome to enter, regardless of whether you have taken part in CL22 or any Cityliga season ever, come along for what will be a good, old endurance race!
All information about the event, including sign-ups, rules and skins, can be found here in the Cityliga subforum on the official LFSForum!
→ https://www.lfs.net/forum/351-CityLiga