Dear Racers,
get ready, start your engines and feel this special 24h LFS racing spirit. Welcome to Westhill and Fortune GTR! This is your chance for racing with us, compete with DoP GTR Drivers and decide afterwards for being part of the DoP 24h Grid. Therefore Single Racers are even welcome to test DoP.
The BurnoutCrew:
The next trainings-race of the DoP 2017 will be held on January.09.2017
The GTR's will be driven at Westhill International reversed (WE2R)
and we hope for many sign-ins from you!
Details for the race:
* date: Monday, January.09.2017
* car: GTR's
* track: Westhill International reversed (BL1R)
* weather: Day Clear (1), no wind (0)
* race-length: 60 min
More details you'll find here
If you want to join, visit this link
Be part and Keep Racing
DoP 2017 Crew