Last Monday at Westhill we have had one of our last testraces before the main event DoP 24h starts. It was amazing to have a nearly full grid with these powerful GTRs. And it was even greater for sharing these special LFS 24h Spirit with teams like HoR, extrem Racing, Absolute Beginners or many others and having fights with experienced racers like ‘Ring’, ‘Riddick’, ‘Mazdarati’ and many more.
[TC-R] P. Butcher has won the testrace over the short distance of an hour at Westhill. It was a short, but also instructive demonstration. Very fast, very skilled and [TC] Racing seems to be at an early stage well prepared for this special endurance. But it is not hard to predict that Teams like ‘Abssolute Beginners’ and ‘[LLM] Last Lap Motorsports’ are even competitive in speed and patience.
We look forward to the last Testrace upcoming next Monday. The poker for good lap times ends with the start of the qualification in this week, too. And than, get ready for this 24h!

Your and your team is interested to participate? You are welcome! We think this LFS DoP 24h Endurance Race could be one of the best and hardest simracing endurance competitions. With a long history and a familiar character.
More details you'll find here
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Keep Racing
DoP & BC-Racing Team 2017