The 24-hour race has been won by LLM with a performance in 'excellence'! The fabulous four drivers from LLM 'Zephyr', 'J.Lavrikov', 'MareX ^h88' and 'LLM.Excellent' won this hard 24hours endurance race with a focused, accurate and for sure very fast performance over the whole 24hours distance and about 773 laps! 'LLM.Excellent' drove the fastest lap with a 1:47.620 min., too. But what is one of the fastest lap in a 24 hour race? Without team spirit nothing! Congratulations LLM for this great victory!
Congratulations also to the second '[TC] Racing & Friends' and third-placed 'Absolute Beginners Racing 2' catching their places on the podium! We have seen very thrilling moments over the whole distance, exciting persecutions and driver competitions over hours.

It is impossible to cover all the highlights in a short news like this. We have had voltage till the end. Instance lap 734 (!): After an unfortunate overtaking 'HOR Mensafest' lost his FXR and threw before the entrance to the pit lane. 'ABR2 TheGeneral' tried to avoid a collision and hurled without control through the pit-lane. Result: a Stop-and-Go Penalty, 36 laps to the end! But 'ABR2 TheGeneral' was visibly nervous. He did not fully served the penalty. Then he served the penalty entirely, but afterwards he was driving too fast through the pit lane. Next penalty. What dramatic moments for 'Absolute Beginners Racing 2' and 'Heros of Racing' before. But there were so many stories to tell from so many teams and many more drivers. Stories that are written
by souch a 24h race!

So as organiziers we say "Thanks" to thirdteen teams and 55 Driver this year. In 2017 it was a small but even a very competitive fast grid. Since 2008 we have had eight seasons 'Desire of Patience' Tours, eight 24h races organized. Great stuff to do so as a member of the BurnoutCrew-Team, as a member of the DoP Organisation-Team and much more important, as a LFS driver and fan. We hope to be able to align this race in the next year. So stay tuned to come back again.
Keep Racing
DoP Team 2017 and BC-Racing Team
Klaus & Normann