The first corner already causes drama in the field. Gugelhupf Racing Team looses a couple of positions on their way to the first breaking zone. Under breaking the two Born To Race cars of Skattle (Thespeed10) and TwinCam (cathal50cc) collide and spin into the gravel pit -both entries retire from the race early- while Michal (michal 1279) in the Free Candy Racing machine has a light contact that coincided with a lag spike from Launch Racing's P.Duffin (paul88), launching him into the air but landing back on all four wheels. The hard impact causes damage that would turn out to cause multiple punctures in the later stages of the race.

Cossi's (Schrauberherz) recovery from the time loss suffered at the start is halted early on as the Gugelhupf Racing Team driver was forced into two spins batteling with D.Duffin (cougar8) and P.Duffin (paul88) four laps later. Adding insult to injury the car flips on its roof in the first chicane on lap 16. Gugelhupf Racing Team eventually finishes in nineth position.
Last Lap Motorsports has a troublesome middle stint eventually allowing the #24 Launch Racing car of D.Duffin (cougar8) as the best XFR to take fourth position and defending it to the checkered flag.
At the top Infern0 (tr0l) is able to stretch his stint lengths pitting two laps after his competitors. But a penalty on the first pitstop and a puncture at the end of his second stint exiting the long right-hander under the Michelin bridge eventually prevent the Cruise God car from taking advantage. He finishes on the bronze rank in class and handing the victory to the Akagi Red Suns and the runner-up position to Concept Racing on a silver plate.
1 01 - Akagi Red Suns (Last Lap Motorsports & Team S1DUS) 10.69 1 UFR 2:55:20.85 3:01.50
K.Takahashi (FasTLT)
R.Takahashi (Excellent15)
2 42 - Concept Racing 10.06 5 UFR +76.63s 3:02.98
Eisbaer (Zapphord)
3 75 - Cruise God 11.44 2 UFR +98.96s 3:01.44
Infern0 (tr0l)
4 24 - Launch Racing 8.81 6 XFR +140.14s 3:03.94
D.Duffin (cougar8)
5 34 - Last Lap Motorsports 8.19 3 UFR +156.74s 3:02.39
Ripe (narkoze)
6 17 - Launch Racing 7.56 12 XFR +1 lap 3:04.85
A.Coupe (maz17)
7 55 - Launch Racing 6.94 13 XFR +1 lap 3:05.17
M.Duffin (mat8863)
8 47 - Free Candy Racing 6.31 10 XFR +1 lap 3:04.15
Michal (michal 1279)
9 07 - Gugelhupf Racing Team 5.69 XFR +1 lap 3:03.05
Cossi (Schrauberherz)
10 88 - Launch Racing 5.06 XFR +2 laps 3:04.41
P.Duffin (paul88)
11 33 - Pocket Lugon Team 4.44 11 XFR +3 laps 3:06.21
i-M@n (i-man)
12 20 - Fetch 2.81 14 XFR +3 laps 3:08.75
GUMIIIMrFetch (Features_Gaming)
DNF 29 - Born To Race 1.00 +44 laps 3:03.97
Skattle (Thespeed10)
DNF 86 - Born To Race 1.00 +50 laps 3:05.65
TwinCam (cathal50cc)
DNF 18 - Energy Virtual Racing 0.00 +54 laps 3:06.12
K.Piropo (KaiqueBRA)
DNF 77 - XinoXano 0.00 +55 laps 3:50.31

1 99 - LFS.HU 8.50 1 LX6 2:57:39.23 3:11.58
2 22 - Fragmaster 3.50 2 RAC +2 laps 3:14.78
Number (NumberTwo)
The next round brings the NGTRs and LRFs to Westhill on Sun 19 Jul 2020, 16:30UTC. The race will again be broadcasted by our media partner SimBroadcasts.tv. Sign-ups to Open Endurance Cup Five stay open, so you can join us on the grid.