We're back in business! Bringing you all you need to get you up to speed at Absolute-Beginners.
Troubling, troubling times here at Absolute Beginners with threats of a breakaway series in S2L,
ridiculous claims about the identity of The Stig,
mysterious ghost cars spotted in Le Mans,
and fears for the wellbeing of one of our beloved reporters.
Written by Aeropunk (thanx

Troubling, troubling times here at Absolute Beginners with threats of a breakaway series in S2L,
ridiculous claims about the identity of The Stig,
mysterious ghost cars spotted in Le Mans,
and fears for the wellbeing of one of our beloved reporters.

First off we bring you an urgent missing persons report. As you may have noticed, DK-77, our usual reporter had been missing for almost a month now, so the police have issued a plee for for any information regarding his where-abouts. Many theories have been put forward with some claiming that he may have given up driving, with a few more adding that they say him at the final corner at South City on the weekend manning an ice-cream van. The most plausible case seems to be that he attempted to drive down and visit his new team-mate in Australia, not realising that there's a big ocean between the island country and the rest of the world, and is floating in the ocean somewhere between Indonesia and the Phillopines. All we know for certain is that he was last seen speeding away from the Aston circuit in his Raceabout with the Titanic themesong blaring out of the speakers.

To our major story and the very serious possibility of a breakaway series in the S2 League headed by the Absolute-Beginners Team's Association, with the first trial separation of classes having been demanded and enforced just as the race was about to start on sunday. Its got many in both camps worried about the future direction of the league, with life as we know it under threat. The most interesting part about the whole saga is that no-one is really sure what they're arguing about or even who they are arguing with, and because of this it's extremely difficult to find anyone willing to put their name to paper for fear of retribution from either the ABTO or AB Management, but there were many quips and comments being spoken around the paddock. Here's just a few:
"There's no need for a ice-cream cap, we've been winning perfectly well without it"
"The cap is a great idea! If we as a smaller team can't be given the opportunity to compete on a level playing field then we might as well find greener pastures"
"Us GP3 teams need a break! Why can't we just use the same car every week? It'd save us money. Bring on the Scirocco!"
"When is this fighting going to be over? The teams need to pull their heads in and think about what they're doing"
"Prendendo in considerazione tutto questo, il tessuto stesso del nostro sport potrebbe essere rovinato, perché le tracce che visita non hanno il denaro da spendere, anche sulla base buca corsie."
"Who likes short shorts? I like short shorts, do you like short shorts? Dammit! You don't like short shorts?! I'm leaving!"
As I was saying, some are still scratching their heads at all the goings on. Even when we went to intervew ABM boss, Starbert, all we could get out of him was, "They're all a bunch of loonies..." as he marched off. All are hoping the issues (whatever they may be) will be resolved in time for next weeks race, although with the trial separation already having taken place there are many with doubts. Stay tuned for more information.

The Le Mans series has taken off to a great start this season with the first two races already run. The change to the 2 hour format has been deemed a success by all, with the races we've had so far being some of the best racing seen at Absolute Beginners. The races have been brutal and tough, with the amount of loses matched only by the amount of sore arses at the end. The last race was held at the daunting Fern Bay Black, and we caught up to three podium place getters:
P1, Piotrek
Piotrek, congratulations on the win. It looked pretty easy for you out there today, with you winning by almost 2 minutes.
-Well, I wouldn't say easy, none of these endurance races are easy, but I had the car working well and kept my head to bring it home strongly. Its' a pity about Ponty's technical problems, we were having quite a nice battle up until then.
Your win today elevates you into first place in the championship, as the only privateer in the field do you think you'll be able to stay there?
-That's always the aim isn't it? To stay at the top? Its always tough, whether you're in a large team or a small one, and I've got great sponsors and a great technical base, we've the car just the way I want it. So there's no doubts I'll be competetive right the way through the season, I'll just do my best and see where that will get me.
P2, draugdel
Well done on second place, it was a tough race out there.
-Yes very tough. Coming into a 2 hour race takes a lot more preparation than a sprint race and its really hard to keep ontop of the car for the whole two hours, but I'm really loving the challenge. The last few laps were torture! I was exhausted, and with the damage i had to my car it was a struggle to keep it on the track.
With a few less mistakes do you think you would've been able to challenge Piotrek for the win?
-Tough call, its always difficult to predict the outcome of these races, but I'd like to think so. Second place is great, I'm so happy with the outcome today with getting a solid points haul for Team 100%, and we'll try and go one better next time
P3, Riel
Riel, you took a different route than the others on your road to the podium with a 2 stop strategy.
-Being a 2 hour race at Fern Bay Black it seemed like the safest option. Ended up hurting us just a little overall i think but in the end here I am on the podium.
You must have made some changes in the pitsops because each time you came out you just went faster, especially in your final stint your pace was blistering, passing Aid, Michalxo and Aeropunk all in the last 10 laps.
-Yeah, i made a couple tweaks and just put my head down. I knew I was faster so I tried not to look at the pitboard and make up all the time I could.
Interesting Images
This one was snapped on the very first lap, with Kajti managing to put tyre marks on the roof of Aid's Mercedes:

And this is Aid just after he either:
A) tried to make a quick aero modification to his car late in the race; or
B) tried cleaning the tyre marks off his roof
we're not sure which...

From the classic Blackwood Grand Prix circuit and onto the streets of South City, the AB Formula Championship moves into town for the second round of the season. Everyone is gearing up for what should be a thriller with the Formula BMW always providing close racing. Can Orange Arrows keep their championship lead? Or will another team rise to the challenge? For those not yet racing in the Closed Leagues, remember you can always watch the racing through the LFS Remote at www.lfsworld.net/remote

It appears the race stewards have impounded both of the Golden Lamas cars following sunday's Le Mans race. It is believed that it is to further investigate how Ponty's car kept showing up on the timing monitors while the car appeared to be not on track. No official statements from the stewards or the Golden Lamas team as yet, however Orange Arrows Team has launched legal procedings against Golden Lamas in regard to a device found in Ponty's car bearing a remarkable resemblance to the device they tested late last season, accusing the Golden Lamas cheif designer of spying and design stealing. (See our related story from the 15th of May)
Much publicity has surrounded the supposed "revealing" of the top gear's Stig. All of us here at absolute beginners know that the Stig is in fact Mazdarati, and NOT Michael Schumacher, but for those of you who need more proof we've been able to capture some exclusive footage from the top gear test track:
and on that bombshell... Goodnight and thanks for reading!
P.S. Remember, if you have any news or photo's from around absolute-beginner, send a PM through to DK or Aeropunk
By contributing you could even win a free copy of the AB Chronicle!
Previous Editions of the AB Chronicles:
May 22
May 15
May 13
Troubling, troubling times here at Absolute Beginners with threats of a breakaway series in S2L,
ridiculous claims about the identity of The Stig,
mysterious ghost cars spotted in Le Mans,
and fears for the wellbeing of one of our beloved reporters.
Written by Aeropunk (thanx

Troubling, troubling times here at Absolute Beginners with threats of a breakaway series in S2L,
ridiculous claims about the identity of The Stig,
mysterious ghost cars spotted in Le Mans,
and fears for the wellbeing of one of our beloved reporters.

First off we bring you an urgent missing persons report. As you may have noticed, DK-77, our usual reporter had been missing for almost a month now, so the police have issued a plee for for any information regarding his where-abouts. Many theories have been put forward with some claiming that he may have given up driving, with a few more adding that they say him at the final corner at South City on the weekend manning an ice-cream van. The most plausible case seems to be that he attempted to drive down and visit his new team-mate in Australia, not realising that there's a big ocean between the island country and the rest of the world, and is floating in the ocean somewhere between Indonesia and the Phillopines. All we know for certain is that he was last seen speeding away from the Aston circuit in his Raceabout with the Titanic themesong blaring out of the speakers.

To our major story and the very serious possibility of a breakaway series in the S2 League headed by the Absolute-Beginners Team's Association, with the first trial separation of classes having been demanded and enforced just as the race was about to start on sunday. Its got many in both camps worried about the future direction of the league, with life as we know it under threat. The most interesting part about the whole saga is that no-one is really sure what they're arguing about or even who they are arguing with, and because of this it's extremely difficult to find anyone willing to put their name to paper for fear of retribution from either the ABTO or AB Management, but there were many quips and comments being spoken around the paddock. Here's just a few:
"There's no need for a ice-cream cap, we've been winning perfectly well without it"
"The cap is a great idea! If we as a smaller team can't be given the opportunity to compete on a level playing field then we might as well find greener pastures"
"Us GP3 teams need a break! Why can't we just use the same car every week? It'd save us money. Bring on the Scirocco!"
"When is this fighting going to be over? The teams need to pull their heads in and think about what they're doing"
"Prendendo in considerazione tutto questo, il tessuto stesso del nostro sport potrebbe essere rovinato, perché le tracce che visita non hanno il denaro da spendere, anche sulla base buca corsie."
"Who likes short shorts? I like short shorts, do you like short shorts? Dammit! You don't like short shorts?! I'm leaving!"
As I was saying, some are still scratching their heads at all the goings on. Even when we went to intervew ABM boss, Starbert, all we could get out of him was, "They're all a bunch of loonies..." as he marched off. All are hoping the issues (whatever they may be) will be resolved in time for next weeks race, although with the trial separation already having taken place there are many with doubts. Stay tuned for more information.

The Le Mans series has taken off to a great start this season with the first two races already run. The change to the 2 hour format has been deemed a success by all, with the races we've had so far being some of the best racing seen at Absolute Beginners. The races have been brutal and tough, with the amount of loses matched only by the amount of sore arses at the end. The last race was held at the daunting Fern Bay Black, and we caught up to three podium place getters:
P1, Piotrek
Piotrek, congratulations on the win. It looked pretty easy for you out there today, with you winning by almost 2 minutes.
-Well, I wouldn't say easy, none of these endurance races are easy, but I had the car working well and kept my head to bring it home strongly. Its' a pity about Ponty's technical problems, we were having quite a nice battle up until then.
Your win today elevates you into first place in the championship, as the only privateer in the field do you think you'll be able to stay there?
-That's always the aim isn't it? To stay at the top? Its always tough, whether you're in a large team or a small one, and I've got great sponsors and a great technical base, we've the car just the way I want it. So there's no doubts I'll be competetive right the way through the season, I'll just do my best and see where that will get me.
P2, draugdel
Well done on second place, it was a tough race out there.
-Yes very tough. Coming into a 2 hour race takes a lot more preparation than a sprint race and its really hard to keep ontop of the car for the whole two hours, but I'm really loving the challenge. The last few laps were torture! I was exhausted, and with the damage i had to my car it was a struggle to keep it on the track.
With a few less mistakes do you think you would've been able to challenge Piotrek for the win?
-Tough call, its always difficult to predict the outcome of these races, but I'd like to think so. Second place is great, I'm so happy with the outcome today with getting a solid points haul for Team 100%, and we'll try and go one better next time
P3, Riel
Riel, you took a different route than the others on your road to the podium with a 2 stop strategy.
-Being a 2 hour race at Fern Bay Black it seemed like the safest option. Ended up hurting us just a little overall i think but in the end here I am on the podium.
You must have made some changes in the pitsops because each time you came out you just went faster, especially in your final stint your pace was blistering, passing Aid, Michalxo and Aeropunk all in the last 10 laps.
-Yeah, i made a couple tweaks and just put my head down. I knew I was faster so I tried not to look at the pitboard and make up all the time I could.
Interesting Images
This one was snapped on the very first lap, with Kajti managing to put tyre marks on the roof of Aid's Mercedes:

And this is Aid just after he either:
A) tried to make a quick aero modification to his car late in the race; or
B) tried cleaning the tyre marks off his roof
we're not sure which...

From the classic Blackwood Grand Prix circuit and onto the streets of South City, the AB Formula Championship moves into town for the second round of the season. Everyone is gearing up for what should be a thriller with the Formula BMW always providing close racing. Can Orange Arrows keep their championship lead? Or will another team rise to the challenge? For those not yet racing in the Closed Leagues, remember you can always watch the racing through the LFS Remote at www.lfsworld.net/remote

It appears the race stewards have impounded both of the Golden Lamas cars following sunday's Le Mans race. It is believed that it is to further investigate how Ponty's car kept showing up on the timing monitors while the car appeared to be not on track. No official statements from the stewards or the Golden Lamas team as yet, however Orange Arrows Team has launched legal procedings against Golden Lamas in regard to a device found in Ponty's car bearing a remarkable resemblance to the device they tested late last season, accusing the Golden Lamas cheif designer of spying and design stealing. (See our related story from the 15th of May)
Much publicity has surrounded the supposed "revealing" of the top gear's Stig. All of us here at absolute beginners know that the Stig is in fact Mazdarati, and NOT Michael Schumacher, but for those of you who need more proof we've been able to capture some exclusive footage from the top gear test track:
and on that bombshell... Goodnight and thanks for reading!
P.S. Remember, if you have any news or photo's from around absolute-beginner, send a PM through to DK or Aeropunk
By contributing you could even win a free copy of the AB Chronicle!
Previous Editions of the AB Chronicles:
May 22
May 15
May 13